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Rank the Following in Order of Numismatic Annoyance:

Your submitted coin is returned in its holder tilted like a frisbee in mid-air.

Your submitted coin is returned backward, obviously shoved in there by someone waaaaay too busy to do even an adequate job.

Your submitted coin is returned with the bust skewed to 9 o'clock, which I suppose could have happened en route though that seems extremely unlikely.

Your submitted coin is returned mis-labelled.

Your submitted coin is returned with a huge doo-hicky on the plastic directly in front of the viewing area.

Your submitted coin is returned with a clammy, sweaty fingerprint right on the Eagle's beak.

Your submitted coin is returned graded as a VF35 when the consensus vote here in the forum was PF62.

Your submitted coin is returned 73 days after you have sent it in, sufficient time for you to forget that you owned it and to have accidentally bought another one in the meantime.



  • I can't rank because my submissions got baggedimage
  • MadMartyMadMarty Posts: 16,697 ✭✭✭
    Your submitted coin is returned with sneeze spots/food/boogers/spoogie/hair also encapsulated along with your coin
    It is not exactly cheating, I prefer to consider it creative problem solving!!!

  • dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,691 ✭✭✭
    i haven't had any problems w/ these annoyances

    oops! that's because i don't have any slabs! image

    K S
  • BarryBarry Posts: 10,100 ✭✭✭
    You're getting very predictable image
  • ms70ms70 Posts: 13,956 ✭✭✭✭✭
    #1: "Your submitted coin is returned with the bust skewed to 9 o'clock, which I suppose could have happened en route though that seems extremely unlikely."

    Without a doubt, the most common for me next to bodybags!

    Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.

  • I rank all of them at no. 1

    Hopefully they are working it out. I just sent 6 problem holders in per David Hall and waiting to hear what they say. image

    Pennies make dollars, and dollars make slabs!

    ....inflation must be kicking in again this dollar says spend by Dec. 31 2004!

  • EVillageProwlerEVillageProwler Posts: 5,856 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think the most annoying aspect is the fierce politics that go on amongst the top-tier services, and their persistent claims to the contrary!

    When politics turn nasty, who gets hurt? We -- the consumers -- get hurt!!!


    How does one get a hater to stop hating?

    I can be reached at evillageprowler@gmail.com

  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    Looking at this day after day after day..... image

  • Your coins are looked upon as sub-standard unless they are surrounded by plastic.

    EVP hit the nail on the head.
  • nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,386 ✭✭✭
    Oh yeah Eric...

  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    Neil, I just tried to punch that in and they wanted a zip. Is that still pending? If it is, that is 68 days including today. Unbelievable.
  • nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,386 ✭✭✭
    Yep, I made that image about 10 minutes ago. Last Thursday I called and they said it was in finalization and maybe... just maybe... be done by Tuesday.


  • trozautrozau Posts: 3,455 ✭✭✭
    All things listed here can easily be avoided by not having your coins slabbed. Enough said. image
    trozau (troy ounce gold)

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