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Questions About The Class of Service You Use

As you all know, PCGS certifies, grades and slabs coins for a fee that varies from $10 or $15 upwards of $100 per coin. The fee buys service with a one-day turn around up to a wait of about 30 business days.

In theory, grade levels, upgrade rates and crossover rates should not depend on how long one waits for his coins, and certainly not on the fee paid. Does that reflect your experience, or your perception? And, does it influence which class of service you elect to use? In any case, what determines which class of service you use - the fee, or something else?



  • Strictly my opinion but, I choose not to use a service for some of the reasons you suggest, among others. It has become apparent to me that grading services apply the type and quality of their services based solely on the fees that people are willing to pay. How that one person slipped a 63 lincoln proof thru is beyond me. Then again, let's grade one and see how many folks will send in more. Sounds like good business. What happened to the hobby?
  • CASH FLOWimage
    David Schweitz
  • wayneherndonwayneherndon Posts: 2,356 ✭✭✭

    I have wondered the same thing too and (intentionally) half-way addressed it with HRH on the Q&A board. From the info in the letter CU recently sent to members, I see that one can have more graders participate in the process on a given coin by electing one of the more expensive tiers. The relevant question then becomes "Is one more likely to get a higher or lower grade if more graders are used?"

    With no sample at all, I predict the answer to my question is "both." I'd expect to see more consistent grading the more graders are involved in the process. Thus, electing one of the cheaper routes probably nets the submitter more variability (hence some better and some lesser grades).

    Anyone else have ideas?

  • Exactly! So much for a consistant grading system.
  • BigD5BigD5 Posts: 3,433
    I use NGC economy, and Express, depending on the value of the coins. For $500+, I'd just as soon go with the $28 service, and get the coins back within a couple of weeks. For under $500-$150, I'll go economy. For anything less than that, I'll hoard those cheapies, and wait for a special from ANACS, although I just sent a rather large submission to ANACS via 5 day express service, which I should receive this coming week.
    If it's a coin I'm selling, the economy service is a drag. Too much money doing nothing for too long, waiting for a grade. I don't use pcgs, for the most part, any longer, but I imagine they offer similar/comparable services.

    Ebay Stuff

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