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Picture of TheNumish with Coleman Foster at Gapevine Show

Here is a picture of me with Coleman Foster. I'm a little over 6'2" and am pushing 300 pounds. Standing next to Coleman makes me feel tiny. If any of you know Coleman not only is he the biggest guy in the coin business but has a big heart to match it.

Here is another picture of Ed Hipps asking my advice about how to figure a coin deal. I don't know what Ed would do without me!!!! All kidding aside Ed has been a dealer since the 1950's and still grades with precision. I think the guy is 72 years old and still loves setting up at coin shows and talking about coins. I hate the cliche but he's forgotton more than I'll ever know about coins.


  • mdwoodsmdwoods Posts: 5,549 ✭✭✭
    I don't know him, but I recognize Coleman Foster from Charlotte or Baltimore. You're right, you don't look 6'2" next to him. Glad you had
    fun. mdwoods
    National Register Of Big Trees

    We'll use our hands and hearts and if we must we'll use our heads.
  • I recognize coleman from the show, he was very helpful to me.
  • TheNumishTheNumish Posts: 1,628 ✭✭
    Coleman is a great guy. One time we were at a function and he accidently knocked his glass of water over on my lap. Just so I wouldn't feel bad about it he poured a glass of water on his own lap. Not too many people would even think of doing that.
  • I know Ed personally, he sets up at my show in Greenville, Texas, and is well liked, and it has already been said, Ed does know how to grade! I have had the pleasure of purchasing several of his coins over the last few years.

    My Dimes

    << If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right the first time! >>
  • goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭
    I always make a point of visiting Ed's table in Baltimore. He's not into plastic but sure has some Knockout coins!!! Very nice guy that definitely loves to shoot the breeze with people!
  • NumisEdNumisEd Posts: 1,336
    "I am gonna eat the baby"
  • dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,691 ✭✭✭
    ed is 1 of the few old-time dealers left. did you know he helped disband the hoard of unc half-cents back in the 1950's? great guy, endless supply of great stories too

    K S
  • krankykranky Posts: 8,709 ✭✭✭
    Coleman is a nice guy. He always has a huge inventory, but you have to work to find whatever you're looking for!

    New collectors, please educate yourself before spending money on coins; there are people who believe that using numismatic knowledge to rip the naïve is what this hobby is all about.

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