T206 Grading...PSA or SGC?

For the majority, I only buy PSA graded vintage cards. However, I have never submitted any cards to PSA or any other grading company. I have about 60 lower grade T206 cards that I am thinking about having graded. I'm not grading these cards because I think that I'll receive high grades (PSA 3, at best), but rather for authentication and registry purposes. I don't plan on selling them any time soon, but I'd like to have them graded by a company that will allow them to hold/increase their value 10, 20, or 30 years down the road.
While I realize that I am posting on the PSA board, I'll ask my question anyway. PSA or SGC, which company would be best to go with if I were to have these T206 cards graded? There seems to be an equal amount of PSA and SGC graded T206's on Ebay, and I'm having a hard time deciding on which company to go with. Heck, is there a company better than PSA or SGC for T206s? BVG? GAI? SCD?
I really enjoy participating in the PSA Set Registry, as I have '64 Giants and mid grade '53 Topps partial sets registered, and I plan on adding a '51 Red Back and '55 Topps set as soon as I get the money to have them graded. Having said that, I'm leaning towards PSA to grade the T206s.
Any help or input would be greatly appreciated!
While I realize that I am posting on the PSA board, I'll ask my question anyway. PSA or SGC, which company would be best to go with if I were to have these T206 cards graded? There seems to be an equal amount of PSA and SGC graded T206's on Ebay, and I'm having a hard time deciding on which company to go with. Heck, is there a company better than PSA or SGC for T206s? BVG? GAI? SCD?
I really enjoy participating in the PSA Set Registry, as I have '64 Giants and mid grade '53 Topps partial sets registered, and I plan on adding a '51 Red Back and '55 Topps set as soon as I get the money to have them graded. Having said that, I'm leaning towards PSA to grade the T206s.
Any help or input would be greatly appreciated!
Currently both companies are well respected. Where we will be 5 or 10 years from now is anybodies guess. Good luck and I would certainly steer clear of other grading alternatives.
Check out scans of examples of both Services for cards being offered on ebay to get a visual example of each product.
everything else go to PSA
Thanks for your input...Jeff, that's the reason I even brought up the question. It just seems like a lot of graded tobacco that I see at shows and online is SGC, despite eBay being about 50/50 (at least this week). Thanks again!
Agreed. Your cards are not high-grade, so I would choose the most reputable grading company (PSA, SGC or GAI) that you think a) will be around in 10 years and b) offers the lowest prices for getting your cards graded.