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coin show purchase $2 1/2 indian 14-D

darktonedarktone Posts: 8,437 ✭✭✭
I was sitting at a dealers table looking at an over graded $5 indian PCGS MS64 when the luster on this raw $2 1/2 caught my eye. At first I thought the price said $1,165 as the coin looked 63 from under the glass of the cabinet but then I noticed it said $165. I left the table without asking about it because the dealer was getting swamped with customers. I came back when he slowed down and asked to see it. He handed it to me and I was excited to see it had nice luster and I was really thinking MS63 until I turned it over and the reverse had this big gash on the eagleimage althought the luster on the reverse was very nice. He offered it to me for $150. I know this coin is damaged but without that gash I would grade it MS63. What's a coin like this worth? mike


      • mrdqmrdq Posts: 1,186 ✭✭✭
        To me one single gash/gouge isn't earth shattering. I don't like whizzing, AT, tooling.. that kind of stuff but you can almost make up some story in your mind about how that gouge happened and accept the obverse and the reverse details for what they are and be proud of owning a NICE COIN!

        Sorry I can't answer your question about value but it looks like a KEEPER to me whatever it's worth.

        --------T O M---------

      • sinin1sinin1 Posts: 7,500
        You are braver than I buying raw gold - there are so many copies out there.

        It has .121 oz of gold anyway -> $40 ?

        Does it pass the diagnostics - obverse - no depression above the 14 in the date and no tooling around the necklace and hair?
      • darktonedarktone Posts: 8,437 ✭✭✭
        sinin1, it's real. mike
      • sinin1sinin1 Posts: 7,500
        cool, must be worth near $150 then - is it a planchett flaw on the eagle = sawdust = or did someone jab it?

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