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for pre 1915 cameo/deep cameo coins silver,nickel which series hardest to find?

michaelmichael Posts: 9,524 ✭✭
for proof coins pre 1915

which series is the hardest to find

for proof cameo silver coins?
for proof cameo nickel coins?

for deep cameo silver coins?
for deep cameo nickel coins?


  • homerunhallhomerunhall Posts: 2,496 ✭✭✭
    Michael...I believe for silver coins it's more a case of which dates are hard to find cameo as opposed to which types. It's been my experience that the 1902 to 1904 issues seem to not come cameo as often as other dates. Other than those dates, I believe most silver issues 1915 and before can be found with cameo devices.

    Nickel coins are somewhat more difficult...and I believe Shield nickels are harder than Liberty nickels or Three Cent nickels. And copper coins, Indian cents, Two Cent pieces, etc. seem to be really hard to find cameo.

    Great question.


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