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I got bored tonight .. tell me what ya think

I seen this design on here somewhere a couple of days ago so I thought I would make my own version.
I edited the pics I took last night and played around with them in PS7..
I think it would look nice in a frame out in the den (wish I had a better coin but this will have to do for now) ... What do ya think?

Heres another I made up to use as wallpaper on my puter. The original is larger and a lot more clear but I am still having a hard time taking the pics through the plastic holder.


Thanks for lookin .... Shaner


  • braddickbraddick Posts: 24,216 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My new ScreenSaver! Thank you- it's beautiful. The coin, and the photography.


  • CoinosaurusCoinosaurus Posts: 9,632 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Is it just me, or does the right image seem rotated a couple degrees off center. Other than looks kewl image
  • Thanks Brad .. Glad ya liked it

    Yes Coinorsaurus ... it is rotated a bit but thats how it was struck so I left it that way. I thought about straightening it but every time I do, for some reason I lose some of the clarity of the pic. I'll just have to take another photo.

  • cosmicdebriscosmicdebris Posts: 12,332 ✭✭✭
    I think you should let the image of the coin speak for itself and not include the labels.


  • A super-excellent flawless job. The bordering and frame are cool. Some folks like the label-only approach to showing the grade. The coin shots make me wonder why it wasn't a 70. Very attractive.

    How do you circle-crop the coin precisely on center? I can't seem to do that very easily (I use PhotoShop 7).

    The pink-orange highlights add interest to the coin, as well.
  • Excellent..............Keep up the good work..........Ken
  • Very Nice,me like.image

    Pennies make dollars, and dollars make slabs!

    ....inflation must be kicking in again this dollar says spend by Dec. 31 2004!

  • Thanks everyone image

    << <i>How do you circle-crop the coin precisely on center? I can't seem to do that very easily (I use PhotoShop 7). >>

    Trial and error mostly .. I am not the greatest at explaining things but I will do my best.

    Click on your elliptical marquee tool and make sure that your "Info" window is open.

    Magnify the pic of the coin so you can see the edges clearly, then place your pointer over the coin at the very top edge and make a note of the "Y" coordinate from the info window.

    Now do the same thing on the left side and make a note of the "X" coordinate.

    Then I will move the cursor to where the "X-Y" coordinates intersect and make a small dot with the pencil tool, this will be the starting point....

    Now repeat the steps and locate the bottom and right edge of the coin and make a mark, this will be the ending point.

    Take your elliptical tool and click it on the starting point and drag it to the ending point. You should end up with a perfect circle. Now ya can copy and paste, cut or whatever ya want to do.

    Hope I explained it clearly enough. Sometimes you'll have to make minor adjustments but with practice you'll figure it out.

  • Shaner,

    Actually, that was a perfect explanation. Just exactly what I needed! Thanks!

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