It depends how lustrous it is- if it is as dull as in the picture, then no, I'd sooner go for a white one... if it is a lustrous gold that wasn't picked up in the picture, then I'd love it... would need to see it in person, I think.
Thanks for all the opinions. I know alot of people don't like this look but I view it as a nice original coin. From the scan I think it will have nice lustre and I'll be very happy with it. Thanks again for all the honest responses.
Sharp strike, I would say that this is a solid MS65. It could possibly go 66.
Russ, NCNE
I like it
--------T O M---------
rainbowroosie April 1, 2003
From the scan I think it will have nice lustre and I'll be very happy with it. Thanks again for all the honest