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Dakra Asks... HOW YOU DOIN'?????? Hayadoin'?!?

"I was Banned from PCGS" Pretty nice T-shirt idea but one that I believe has been used image
Over the course of my ban, I have created a few ID's and found it interesting that if I posed as a dealer, I got the access to the CU message board quicker. In the time I have been Banned, I have completed a Silver American Eagle Collection, came one coin closer to finishing off my Peace Dollar collection, I'm on my 2nd day as a non-smoker and my job is going great.

My thoughts on the Ban: It came at a time when people seemed to be getting closer on the message board. Personally, it came at a time when I was not only talking to people on the message board but also through Personal Messages. I was beginning to build good rapport with some of the members here and just shooting the breeze here and there with these people.

The ban means nothing to me for several reasons. One reason why it does not bother me is that I could always come back as an entirely different character such as this one and P*GC would never know. The main reason it does not bother me is because I have other important things going on in my life, there are other message boards out there and I still talk to some of the people from the message board through email or on the other boards.

Did I deserve the ban? I don¡¦t think so but someone who is really insecure with himself did feel it was warranted. The only thing that bothered me at first was that I was made an example of. It¡¦s funny, Laura/Legend went off on PCGS but did not get a ban, David Hall stated he was going to let "Little Ms. Know-it-all" have it ... but I guess he was too afraid to do so¡K. No dealers got banned, hmm I wonder why? Dave Hall needs to get a back bone when it comes to dealers.

I think Dave Hall was getting concerned about the questions I was asking. I asked if dealers could "Make The Grade" with PCGS, especially since on Legend's website they promote that they know who to talk to at the various grading companies. I noticed a few other people mention that I asked a valid question and wanted to know the answer but no one ever answered it.

Speaking of Making the Grade, while I was in exile (ROFL) I had a few other questions I had to ask. David Hall sells PCGS graded coins on both his website and on his auctions. Who grades these coins? Does he grade them? Does his employees grade them? Seems no matter who grades them, we could have a possible conflict of interest. How can PCGS be a 3rd Party to David Hall?

I don't know but perhaps David Hall can answer some tough questions next time during his Q&A session unless he doesn't "Get It".




  • krankykranky Posts: 8,709 ✭✭✭
    I think you got banned because you started a thread the same night as all the DH-authored "Announcement..." threads which was unflattering to PCGS, using the same style of title, writing it as if you were DH, and signing it as if you were DH. Not too many message boards would have let that slide.

    New collectors, please educate yourself before spending money on coins; there are people who believe that using numismatic knowledge to rip the naïve is what this hobby is all about.

  • tradedollarnuttradedollarnut Posts: 20,162 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think David took it easy on Laura because of her charming personality...... who just doesn't love her to death! image

    Yeah, that and ...... well, um.......... the pictures......... image
  • Was this voted on for the Saturday night fight? image
  • robertprrobertpr Posts: 6,862 ✭✭✭
    What pictures?
  • Dakra, great letter!
  • braddickbraddick Posts: 24,212 ✭✭✭✭✭
    TJ- You may have to give up your title.


  • How so, Braddick? It was a great letter!
  • braddickbraddick Posts: 24,212 ✭✭✭✭✭
    No, I know. Dakra may highjack it from you.


  • clw54clw54 Posts: 3,815 ✭✭✭
    I liked it.
  • Yeah, I like open expression. Always have, always will....
  • darktonedarktone Posts: 8,437 ✭✭✭
    Are you the same Dakra that has been hanging out at the NGC forum?image mike

  • Mike,
    Yes, I am the same one ... and while we are at it, I am at NumisAddict.com as well. I should have plugged them but I think I just did it now. I'm going over to Greg's thread, it seems more popular than this one image

  • OK, I guess I had better make this post.
    I have lurked here and "everywhere"else for way over a year now. Been a "member" of both "clubs", now just the other one and this is an introduction post and comment on your thought provoking thread; and hopefully not my last. (Anaconda was my influence to quit lurking and participate, sorry to offend for lurking so long).

    It has been my understanding that Graders with the "large" companies were not allowed to hold numismatic holdings ( SLABS) so as to avoid conflict of interest. I've lost a lot of brain cells over the years, but, I seem to remember reading this somewhere... would this not apply to owners?

    Oh yeah, to continue another thread... Way to GO!!..2 days kicking the habit, you're almost half way there.. one day at a time the glassman says
    gravity--it's the law.

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