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how much do people spend on cards a month

its a question thats allwys puzzled me i see people post SWEET cards on here that look like a fortune so LMK

me myself i spend maybe $40 a month


  • easily a grand a month

    looking for good football gu and autos- especially rams- thanks
  • $40 a dayimage
    must be niceimage
  • magic1fanmagic1fan Posts: 3,265 ✭✭
    yea must be.

    "he is the best wide reciever in the game"- TERREL OWENS
  • about $200 a month
  • $0, I get all my cards for free
  • dang, i need a J-O-Bimage
  • duncangalduncangal Posts: 3,140
    I don't even want to know, lol....image
    I still collect Tim Duncan! Love all high end auto's, and game used basketball of Tony Parker, and Ginobili too! image This means more to me than any card...You can catch me on my site: Highlight Reel Trading
  • kr580kr580 Posts: 4,420 ✭✭
    not much... $20 or $30... but sometimes like $200 (shows image)
  • I actually spend $0, I don't get my cards for free but I trade so therefore spend $0
  • What about stamps, postcards, bubble mailers, etc...lol
  • wow a grand ? thats pathetic... it wont be worth even a 3rd of that in 2 years...
    and it will all be junk, go out have some fun, live life... get off ebay and realize there is a world beyong cards
  • SlipKnot515SlipKnot515 Posts: 1,354 ✭✭

    << <i>wow a grand ? thats pathetic... it wont be worth even a 3rd of that in 2 years...
    and it will all be junk, go out have some fun, live life... get off ebay and realize there is a world beyong cards >>

    Wow, you're one to judge....
  • I spend about $200-$500 a month. It varies on what I sell off to buy other cards.

    Lets Go Buffalo!


    Seth's Cards

    Trading/Buying all high end BILLS GU/Autos! ! !
  • lol issues. People got some issues spending a grand a month on CARDS. There are other things out there besides CARDS! LMAO I personally would rather spend less money so when you do trade or buy a pack you can have more fun with the cards you get! I'm lucky if I spend $20 a month at most on buying cards, otherwise I only trade. A grand a month.... save for a few months and you can go on a nice vacation.
    LET"S GO CUBS!!!
    Cards & References:
    Jasons Players
  • magic1fanmagic1fan Posts: 3,265 ✭✭
    the last couple months i have spent like 4$ on cards.(AI3fan is on my name)

    "he is the best wide reciever in the game"- TERREL OWENS
  • i'm a junkie when it comes to cards. i can't go a day w/out buying something. monthly i'd have to say that i spend b/n $500-$600
    my web site


  • actually some people who spend a grand a month ON THE RIGHT THING "say a babe ruth autograph" are actually pretty smart. They get a cool item and always have the money they spent incase they want to re-sell someday.

    the people who spend a grand a month on fast food, lottery tickets, and cigarettes are the real idiots

    so jason, the ones who WASTE A GRAND A MONTH HAVE ISSUES.

    t1mac, you think you have a great life? YOU COLLECT SWEATY WRISTBANDS FROM BASKETBALL PLAYERS, that's all I gotta say about that bro.

    if you enjoy the hobby then money shouldn't matter, some of you are just jealous you couldn't spend 1 grand a month on memorabilia or cards.


    hey kidatheart why is kevin garnett even going up to block kobe? now thats a moron HAHA
  • preach on brother!!! now i don't feel like such a scum bag. i'm happy with what i'm getting, no bill collectors are beating down my and my great dane hasn't missed a meal so i guess i'm ok!!!lol
    my web site


  • amen to udakb8
  • magic1fanmagic1fan Posts: 3,265 ✭✭
    colin whats up this is nick

    "he is the best wide reciever in the game"- TERREL OWENS
  • nuttin whats up with u
  • magic1fanmagic1fan Posts: 3,265 ✭✭
    what you doing up this late?

    you are normally in bed by this time?

    "he is the best wide reciever in the game"- TERREL OWENS
  • we'll I had to say something, because I think kids don't understand how hard it actually is to earn a dollar.

    When you get older KIDS you will realize spending a grand and having nothing to show for it HURTS. It's not always about fun and games when your an adult....that's why your kids!! I know your mommy isn't going to give you a grand so you try to make fun of people who work hard and actually want to save some money or even make money off cards? ADULTS HAVE TO PAY RENT, BILLS, AND YOUR 50$ ALLOWANCE T1MAC TO GO TO ORLANDO MAGIC GAMES!


    hey kidatheart why is kevin garnett even going up to block kobe? now thats a moron HAHA
  • just watchin movies
  • which ones?

    (always updating)

  • whatevers on
  • colin this is gay....you need a messenger servise. i dont fricking care what it is just get one.....AIM....MSN....YAHOO....just get something

    (always updating)

  • A LOT image


    REF: DPSPORTS, SPEEDMASTER, nascar20, McDee(x2), Epag, Bradley25, Duncangal, Representcards, Drew(x2), Ahares(x2), Kenny(x2), 8kobe, jrrcrum, vittleboy, Remster, swides, robdemkis, LJMAYA, IversonMiles, BlackbirdXXX,RichyPF32
  • more then alot image
  • Even more than "more than a lot". ..........full time gig for me.
  • I haven't bought anything in a couple months. Although there is a show later this month I'll be shellin out $100-$200 at possibly.

    << <i>picky people tick me off, so you know who ya are...bite me >>

  • samsgirl214samsgirl214 Posts: 2,074 ✭✭
    alot..buy alot of unopened boxes online...buy a few things i need from the folks here. i have had to cut back do to the son graduating in june I would say after house payment and other bills it is approx. $500-$1,000 a month image

  • << <i>actually some people who spend a grand a month ON THE RIGHT THING "say a babe ruth autograph" are actually pretty smart. They get a cool item and always have the money they spent incase they want to re-sell someday.

    the people who spend a grand a month on fast food, lottery tickets, and cigarettes are the real idiots

    so jason, the ones who WASTE A GRAND A MONTH HAVE ISSUES.

    t1mac, you think you have a great life? YOU COLLECT SWEATY WRISTBANDS FROM BASKETBALL PLAYERS, that's all I gotta say about that bro.

    if you enjoy the hobby then money shouldn't matter, some of you are just jealous you couldn't spend 1 grand a month on memorabilia or cards. >>

    as a matter of fact i do have a great life, i have fun going to magic games, seeing the players in person at the hotel, and hanging out with my girlfriend on friday (you should try it sometimes, its kinda fun)
    I Still don't see why you guys think its so weird or gross, cause contrary to belief, your jersey cards where sweated upon at one point, why are they cool to you? Cause the player wore them correct?
    thats why my bands are cool to me...
    and nope, i didnt spend a grand a month On them, lmao

  • << <i>we'll I had to say something, because I think kids don't understand how hard it actually is to earn a dollar.

    When you get older KIDS you will realize spending a grand and having nothing to show for it HURTS. It's not always about fun and games when your an adult....that's why your kids!! I know your mommy isn't going to give you a grand so you try to make fun of people who work hard and actually want to save some money or even make money off cards? ADULTS HAVE TO PAY RENT, BILLS, AND YOUR 50$ ALLOWANCE T1MAC TO GO TO ORLANDO MAGIC GAMES! >>

    50 dollar allowance? Not Really, I Pay like 10 bucks a ticket or i get free ones so w/e?
    of course it hurts, but Only RARE occasions do i leave a magic game with *NOTHING* 2 show for... thats why i love it image
    mainstream blows image
  • DisrealTVDisrealTV Posts: 1,153 ✭✭
    I don't get a damn allowance. You young people ( image ) don't know what it is to have to stick your butt up in a 90 degree attuck for 2 hours fixing some idiots A/C for about 40 bucks pay once a month except in the summers. and due to that fact If my mom doesn't send me some cash, I usually spend about 1-10 bucks a month on cards considering I don't think I bought anything this month, so that is about an average. The most spending I do is the show in Jan. where I drop like 65-75 bucks.

    I collect Timmy D, Roy Williams, Quentin Jammer, And Longhorns! Tradelist/Wantlist
    Refs: Just Ask
  • t1mac,

    you make no sense, you say MY jersey cards? What jersey cards? I don't collect GAME USED PERIOD. Ok my bad you pay 10 bucks for tickets and I thought you might of bought food at the game, but I guess your mom packs you a lunchable with an extra capri sun eh?

    you say I didn't spend 1 grand on my tmac wristband? NOBODY WOULD SPEND 1 GRAND ON HIS WRISTBAND PERIOD.

    I said if you spend a grand on the "right thing" not GAME USED JERSEY CARDS. wow buddy you hang out with your girl on friday nights? COME BACK TO ME WHEN YOU HAVE A GIRL LIVING WITH YOU AND YOU HAVE IN HOUSE "HUMHUM". Oh my bad you wouldn't know about that kid

    if someone can afford spending a grand on cards, IT'S ONLY OBVIOUS THEY CAN AFFORD GOING TO MAGIC GAMES AND BEG TMAC FOR HIS WRISTBAND

    P.S zardos is a perfect example, the guy is married and he spends A FORTUNE ON CARDS

    I think his wife even collects cards


    hey kidatheart why is kevin garnett even going up to block kobe? now thats a moron HAHA
  • yea i spend a lil, but i go by myself, maybe 5 bucks for Taco bell b4 the game... i dont get stuff at the arena...
    and a grand on cards is stupid regardless...
    i spend the rest of stuff on my girl, yea ok im 17, im really a *Kid*...
    but being 17 i dont gotta worry about all that... But i still am no fool, if u wanna spend grand a month on stupid crap, be my guest, my GU is more valuable, and who says i beg? hah! Last year was my year for tmacs ( 9 total) this year i only went for his a few times 2 pay a debt i owed and got it once...
    the rest i got from other players...
    so don't come back at me cuz i collect wristbands, 1. Full Game Used Item...
    2. I know there from the player...
    3. I Didnt Spend a Dime on them!
    4. Well almost every one's a *Patch* card...
    and its always a new High when i get one...
    And i chase my own "Sets", Color Wise.. I Completed Erobs (black , red)
    and im close 2 Ricky davis (BLue, BLack) need white
    and tmacs all i need is Black...
    so its all good n what not...
    of course if ugot a family , or wat not maybe theres other things u could spend ur money on... Me im not an adult yet so i aint gotta worry, and kid get it str8t, no capri Sun Here, its frickin HI-C for real, LOL
  • why are you talking to me like I even collect game used cards?

    I could careless about your WRISTBAND, what's next? Are you going to ask tmac for his game used diapers?


    hey kidatheart why is kevin garnett even going up to block kobe? now thats a moron HAHA
  • oh shut up, everone i ask thinks having it would be cool , i even had dealers make me 200 dollar offers... so shut up..
    even spending a grand on "Cardboard" is stupid...
    GU is a little decent
  • 200 dollars? WOW BIG MONEY KID

    for the last time, I DON'T BUY GAME USED CARDS PERIOD.

    I could think of about 1 million cards that I would rather have than a sweaty wristband.

    go beg tmac for his socks next time kid, maybe you can actually wear them when you grow up


    hey kidatheart why is kevin garnett even going up to block kobe? now thats a moron HAHA
  • how about u go beg UD for some more cards Loser...
    your just jealous my collections sweeter than you, oh and you see that allen iverson auto in your sig? how much that cost you? cause ima have him tomm. for free, on my 8x10 with Mutumbo...yea your jealous
  • i'm jealous because your collection is sweeter than mine? You have got to be joking kid

    yeah your going to see allen iverson tommorow, tell him hi for me and if you knew you were going to see iverson to get something autographed atleast BRING SOMETHING WORTHY OF HIM SIGNING BESIDES A CHEAP 8X10 PHOTO

    Ask anyone on here if they rather have his CERTIFIED auto'd card or a kids 8x10 ........OH NOT MUTOMBO


    beg upperdeck for more cards? why do you come to a psaCARD.COM SITE?

    DO YOU NOTICE THE SITE IS psaCARD.com? I think your looking for the psaWRISTBAND.com website

    i'm sure you will find tons of people like you on that one fool



    hey kidatheart why is kevin garnett even going up to block kobe? now thats a moron HAHA
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