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I got my 2003 Statehood Clad Quarters proofs today

Alabama - Helen Keller / Spirt of Courage


Arkansas - "State Icons" (The Clinton Joke 25c was better )

Illinois - "Land of Lincoln" (Nice to see Abe walking on a coin)

Maine - "Pemaquid Light" (OK - who thought this was a good name)

Missouri - "Corps of Discovery"
My posts viewed image times
since 8/1/6


  • wingedlibertywingedliberty Posts: 4,805 ✭✭✭
    The Illinois seems very nice.

  • cosmicdebriscosmicdebris Posts: 12,332 ✭✭✭
    They all look like those Liberian Silver Rounds.


  • I'm hoping mine come in the mail today..........Ken.........Along with my 10 packs of unopened 1964 Proofs
  • Hey ksteelheader...That 52 half is one I graded! If you want to see the sister half from the same mint set, check this out: 1952 P half PCGS MS67FBL
    My website: WWW.telecoin.bizland.com
  • I got my set on Friday. It was very good compared to the prior issues! I was very pleased with it.
    "The last thing we want to see is a smoking gun. A gun smokes after it's been fired…. If someone waits for a smoking gun, it's certain we will have waited too long."
  • itsnotjustmeitsnotjustme Posts: 8,779 ✭✭✭
    The cameo does not look real strong in those images. How does it look in person?
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  • wow i like the arkansas
  • RampageRampage Posts: 9,489 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Those coins look very nice. I have not ordered my set yet.
  • I like all of them. They're not very "art" oriented, but they tell great stories - it's nice to see lots of thought in the coins. I bet the Maine is going to be difficult to find in MS without lots of hits to those open fields. Delawares are similar in that respect.

    I've got a few on the way... looking forward to them myself...
  • The people of Alabama should be ashamed...

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