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I Got KG's Autograph In Person!!!!!!!!!!!!

amazing! who would have thought? KG! He signed for everyone at the hotel!

Did i Mention it was Kendall Gill? image


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    OMG I got KG's auto in person but it was Kevin Garnett!!!
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    Hey Nas, You have season tix right? Where are your seats?
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    Yeah figured that lol, Garnett is supposed to be a pretty hard auto. to land.
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    He's an easy auto to land when you live in the city where he was born, go to the high school he went to, and play on the court he paid for across the street from his mom's house.
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    I got an autograph of Kevin and a picture with him too at the hotel!

    Did I mention it was Kevin McHale? Well, still he's one of the 50 greatest of all time.

    "There is a reason hidden behind everything we do in life" - Me
    "We always strive toward perfection, even though we can never achieve it"
    "Joy wouldn't feel so good if it weren't for Pain."
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    "I Got KG's, only it was Kevin Garnett"

    WoW your special, i know a kid who got his wristband, i didnt care for it seeing how it had no writing on it...
    i got mchale twice... and he was walking around the arena floor like nuttin!
    whoa it wuz cool...
    hes so tough, i saw some kid who said he went by th elocker room and got KG on his jersey (jersey auto didnt look nuttin like KG's)

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