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Nice 3 Color Jersey Card...

2000 Black Diamond #178 Danny Farmer (Rookie; Jersey; 3 Color) BV$24.00

80% Yellow; 15% Black; 5% White.

The regular version of the card has a BV of $12, Beckett listed a x2 Multiplier for Multi-color JSY Cards from the 2000 Black Diamond set.

Can be yours for.... $8.00 Shipped!

<< <i>picky people tick me off, so you know who ya are...bite me >>


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    sweet, let me jump on that deal!!! do u have any other cards that i can pay 66% of book for?
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    Sure; anything in my post a couple threads down. $8 isn't 66% of $24; that'd be 33%. Let's nto forget S/H is included...

    ...But seriously if you don't have interest in the card don't reply. I can just as easily top my threads. I don't need you to do it.

    << <i>picky people tick me off, so you know who ya are...bite me >>

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    hey Brett I have an Akili Smith jersey card you can have for $20
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