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Non Paying Bidders

I did a few hundred eBay auctions in two years with only one person who didn't pay.

All of a sudden it looks like I have three in one week!!!!! I will give them a little more time, but one of them has a feedback of -1 for NPB so I have very little hope on that one.


  • LincolnCentManLincolnCentMan Posts: 5,347 ✭✭✭✭
    I've only had one non-paying bidder over the last few years out of about a thousand. Fortunatly for me, it was at a level that I'd have much rather had the coin than the money. So I didnt worry about it.

    What'd he "buy?"

  • goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭
    scumbags like that really tick me off and what really sets me off are the idiot snipers that refuse to answer emails in a timely manner.
  • cascadecascade Posts: 151 ✭✭
    I've had a couple of untimely payers & 1 no show recently. Maybe it has to do with the weather or something.. image
  • The one with the -1 feedback "won" a nicely toned PR 66 Roosey. The others were for a $5 and a $20 coin. I still have the coins and can file to reclaim my final value fee but am out the time and listing fees. Oh, well.
  • They come and go like a trip to the Dentist's office. I use the non paying bidder program on those who dont pay. I cant afford to pay the ebay fees for those who wont, so I nail them. As far as negitive feedback, that is usually worthless and I dont do that. When Ebay has to refund enough money they nail the scrappers. Most of them then morph into another handle but it keeps them on the run!image
    In an insane society, a sane person will appear to be insane.
  • ScarsdaleCoinScarsdaleCoin Posts: 5,264 ✭✭✭✭✭
    its really such a pain....had an item sell for over $1,000 my payment terms are very clear.... get email...sending check for $400 after my check comes email me and I'll send rest with paypal... never easy
    Jon Lerner - Scarsdale Coin - www.CoinHelp.com
  • UncleJoeUncleJoe Posts: 2,544 ✭✭✭
    I have been very fortunate.

    I have been paid on all of my over 200 auctions last year.

    Some were slower than others and one took two months image , but all paid.

    I had only one return and one lost package.

  • I must confes I have been a non paying bidder. I bid 900.00 on a ACG Ms66 Commemorative. Before I made the payment I joined Collectors Universe and found out it was a huge mistake. In my defense I can only say I offerred to pay ALL of the sellers expenses. He declined.
  • I just had my first two nonpaying bidders recently. I've done good so far, but it seems they ganged up on me here.
    "Don't talk like an ignarosis."

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  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭
    Looks like I just got another one myself. Sunglasses won six coins, over $200 worth, haven't heard from him since. Before that, another sunglasses won three coins, over $150, never paid (me and a bunch of other sellers), now NARU'd. I think I'm going to start cancelling bids and blocking zero feedback bidders.

    Russ, NCNE
  • anoldgoatanoldgoat Posts: 1,493 ✭✭✭
    Late last year i won two auctions in one week. I emailed each seller three time over the next few weeks, never hearing from them. Finally gave up and moved on. Obout 6 weeks later i get an NPB from ebay from one of them. Turns out i had his domain blocked to filter out spam. He was nice about it and i really wanted the card (Grant Hill gold embossed for those who collect cards). He just figured there was a bad connection somewhere and this was the only way to contact me. Needless to say i changed my email contact to home where nothing is blocked.

    Could there be something of the sort going on on your end. Three at once does sounds fishy.
    Alright! Who removed the cork from my lunch?

    W.C. Fields
  • stmanstman Posts: 11,352 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Russ, and all this time I thought the sunglasses meant they were cool.image
    Please... Save The Stories, Just Answer My Questions, And Tell Me How Much!!!!!
  • FairlanemanFairlaneman Posts: 10,424 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Carl I had a bidder win two auctions about a month and a half ago. Gave her 30 Days and went through the Ebay stuff and then Negged her twice. This was on a couple of car parts that were sold. Never have had a NPB on a coin.

    Tough crowd the car parts folks. They want everything perfect and for nothing. image

    Not long ago, a guy (TK) bought a coin from me. He then bought another one and returned the first one to pay for the second one. Returned the
    second one to pay for a third and when he wanted to return the third one to buy a fourth, i told him, "Friend, let's save ourselves some grief
    and just nix the idea of buying the fourth one...", so he sent me the third one, I refunded his money and we went our ways.

    A month and a half ago, i sell a SLQ (through eBay) to a guy. A 2700 dollar coin. We get in contact with each other and lo and behond, TK is the buyer.
    He eventually calls me after the 30 days are up and says the check is on the way and oh, "I'd like to buy two more coins...." worth 20K and
    "i'll get a 5K check right out to you and get it all paid in 90 days." And he said "i'm that guy that bought several coins from you a while
    back ......and just wanted to let you know 'sorry' and i'm not really that big of a flake."

    Guess what happened......yup, that's right..................he never sent me the 5k. I relisted both coins an already sold one.

    Ya know, some people are just brain dead.

    Needless to say, I blocked him.

    I've had a few other instances like this although not as bad, where guys buy things and never pay for them. Most
    people though, are pretty dependable.

  • I just had a NPB. It was on a $795 coin. My terms say payment must be received within 10 days. After 13 days I contacted the bidder only to be ignored. I gave her 5 more days. On the 18th day after the auction ended, I relisted it on eBay. It sold for $898 so it turned out OK. The original bidder did contact me 23 days after the auction ended with an excuse that after investigation turns out to be a lie. I blocked that bidder and haven't heard from her since.

    I had another bidder bid on 4 items on a dutch auction, bidding four different times for one item each time. He wrote me saying he only ment to bid on one item, and did not want 4. I ended up loosing on eBay fees, including $19.95 for Featured because his bids closed the auction. Needless to say, I filed NPB on three of the items. He was a new eBay'er so I didn't block him from bidding because I believed him.

    The rest of the nearly 150 auctions have been fine.

    My web site www.DenverCoin.com
    My eBay About Me page DenverCoin on eBay

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