Registry Deletion

in Q & A Forum
I know the policy is "Current sets that are not at least 10% complete and have not been updated for at least 12 months will be deleted from the registry." It would be nice if sets were not deleted from the registry for no activity, because some of us concentrate on some series and will sometimes come across a coin we must have and not get back to adding to it for awhile. Also it's nice to be able to register all coins in one's collection for the purpose of having some kind of record away from home, in case of disaster, insurance, theft and even maybe being able to access via the internet if you forgot your list for a show etc. How about maybe making people update a profile or clicking on a special email link to keep the account active if no activity after one year for any coins being added to any sets not just certain category's of sets? In other word's that person's account or set's as a whole. What do you think?

Pennies make dollars, and dollars make slabs!
....inflation must be kicking in again this dollar says spend by Dec. 31 2004!
You have not been active with your Registry set in the past 12 months. Unless we hear from you that you are still active with your set, it will be deleted in the next 10 days,etc., etc., etc.
I'll ask BJ what she thinks about this.