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just got this card back from beckett

tell me what you think? i have it up for auction:

gradeddream auction


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    kr580kr580 Posts: 4,420 ✭✭
    wholy crap! he has hair!
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    UndertakerUndertaker Posts: 5,200 ✭✭

    << <i>wholy crap! he has hair! >>

    must be a very old card image
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    AllenAllen Posts: 7,165 ✭✭✭
    You just got it back from Beckett...but here is the exact same scan with the exact same description on ebay? ?
    You just list your subgrades different so the scan on your auction is not the card that you are selling.

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    yes it is. i just copied his description. i also got back a sampras & a mcenroe bgs 9.5 & a chang bgs 9.
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    AllenAllen Posts: 7,165 ✭✭✭
    Oh I guess the stars and sun must have aligned when you scanned it and that made the glare on your scan exactly like the glare on his.
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    AllenAllen Posts: 7,165 ✭✭✭
    You might get $125 out of it.
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    lmfao Allen! image
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    my bgs serial # is 0001264623. i used his scan if thats what your asking. email him see if his is the same serial # ? it isn't!

    i'm a huge seller with a large inventory. with over a 1,000 feeback with zero negatives. i don't play games!

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    nah...I think they're different scans...image

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    AllenAllen Posts: 7,165 ✭✭✭
    You don't play games. You just use other people's scans.
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    why am i even explaining myself to you? i spend @ least $3,000 a week on cards & i do as a busines. i'm not a recreational collector. i get many graded cards back in a week.

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    so why cant i use other people scans? what are you the scan police?

    GROW UP!
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    First off i'm suprised you didn't send it to GAI, since you love them so much.

    Second off, why would you put cards on Yahoo, why not ebay, way more traffic.
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    i just sent 30 cards to gai. should be getting back in 7-10 days.

    i sell on yahoo because less competition.
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    AllenAllen Posts: 7,165 ✭✭✭
    If you spend $3K a week on cards I would think you would have something better than your Collector's Edge and Crown Basketball garbage.
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    i buy alot of cases, graded cards & wax off ebay
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    hey, he has press pass and scoreboard too!!!
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    its funny how i have more money in garbage cards then you do in cards . i have everything! i just make the most money off the lesser brands. how many wax boxes of 1986 fleer baskets have you sold?

    have a great day!
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    I think you're asking too much for this card, why not start it lower and see where it goes? The ebay one got only $125 or so...and ebay gets more looks than yahoo. I think you just lost any listing fees that yahoo charges. Good luck on your auction, but tennis cards are even more of a niche market than golf cards.
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    i started it @ $.99. i cant start it any lower. you must of read it wrong. i like yahoo!
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    AllenAllen Posts: 7,165 ✭✭✭
    Actually, by what I have seen of yours, my collection is much better. But then again cards are not my life. You obviously have no life outside of opening junk cases that cost $100 for 12 boxes and send them to half-ass grading companies.
    I would bet that you are about 40 and that you live in your parent's basement.

    Have a great day.
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    lol allen all that because he used someone else's scan????
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    ^^^ DEE BROWN !!! WHERES SHANNON's PIX ??? leaving out one of the best duo from Chicago.
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    sorry to tell you this. i have 2 paid employees for my card busines. also i'm a manager of a restaurant & a manger of the hotel its in.

    i make over $1,000,000 a year & i own my own house & have a time share in cancun. i also have a brand new sts (thats a caddy if you didnt know).

    also i'm a certified personal trainer & my girlfreind worked for the wwf. i have tons of proof.

    i'm not a little boy!

    i'm a man!

    have a great day!
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    also i sold mark murphy the base ball card kid 5 thats right FIVE 1986 fleer baskets wax boxes.

    thats more then you will make in 5 years!

    have a great day!
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    AllenAllen Posts: 7,165 ✭✭✭
    Is it just me or is everyone on the internet a millionaire with a supermodel girlfriend? You say your in cards for the money, why you need the money if you are a millionaire?
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    not a millionaire just wealthy. what kind of proof you want little boy. not that i have to answer to you but i willl to shut you up.

    i don't have to lie. i buy more cards in a day then you do in a year!

    just the facts!

    don't bother talking to me unless you have something usefull to say.

    your a joke!

    show me one of your listings, i will use its scan
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    << <i>Is it just me or is everyone on the internet a millionaire with a supermodel girlfriend? >>

    not just you
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    he says he makes over $1 million a year then he says he's not a millionaire...hmmm...fishy
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    << <i>he says he makes over $1 million a year then he says he's not a millionaire...hmmm...fishy >>

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    i make over a hundred thousand. one to many zeros. i only wish i could make a million. maybe someday i will have it!
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    or maybe Trish Stratus only gives him a $100 allowance
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    my girl use to come out with the godfather (da hos) & dean malenko. she made 22 wwf appearences. i have the wwf mafgazines to prve it. shes in 3 of them.

    sorry its true, its true!
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    << <i>my girl use to come out with the godfather (da hos) & dean malenko. she made 22 wwf appearences. i have the wwf mafgazines to prve it. shes in 3 of them.

    sorry its true, its true! >>

    I believe him, and even if he IS lying, why do you guys care so much? Jealous?
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    its not likes it a big deal being a valet. she never wresteld or did interviews. she did do 2 signings. i have over 30 autos from wwf superstars though.
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    AllenAllen Posts: 7,165 ✭✭✭
    If you had an extra zero on how much you made, it would mean that you had all your commas misplaced. LOL somebody realized they were maybe a little too unbelievable and tried to backpedal. Nice try on the save though.

    Sorry but this just cracks me up. And by the way anyone who remembers me from the old TR days knows that you havin a wwf girlfriend is nothin compared to my pimp skillz. And I had the pics to prove it lmao.
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    yup! thats it you caught me. i live in a trailer home with 3 dogs & 2 stray cats.

    i go to the local library to use there computer. i realy don't buy the cards i say i buy or sell the ones i say i sell.

    i'm a pathetic liar!

    you figured me out. i'm lonely with no friends who lives home with my mom & dreams of buffy the vampire slayer.

    now that i said all that...........

    SHUT UP before i shut you up with all my cash.

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    kr580kr580 Posts: 4,420 ✭✭

    << <i>i have over 30 autos from wwf superstars though. >>

    EVERY wrestler on WWF is a 'SUPERSTAR'.

    name one, and they a superstar...
    what if i don't watch wrestling and i couldn't tell ya who that guy is? they ain't nothin to me image
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    AllenAllen Posts: 7,165 ✭✭✭
    SHUT UP before i shut you up with all my cash.

    So if I don't shut up you are going to pay me too shut up? Sounds good to me.
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    kr580kr580 Posts: 4,420 ✭✭

    << <i>SHUT UP before i shut you up with all my cash. >>

    that has to be the weakest comeback... wait, weakest ATTEMPED comeback i've EVER heard.
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    gradeddream sure does brag about some cheap,lame-ass cards to make a mil/year. If dude really hs as much going on as he says he does i doubt he'd make 20 posts a day asking for peoples opinion on crappy cards he bought for $5 and topping each one 5 times, bragging the he'll make $5 profit

    I'd challenge you to a battle of wits...... but you appear unarmed

    "Stop talking, negotiating,
    Your feeble attempts at world peace
    Give me a %#@*ing break
    Need worldwide genocide, planetary suicide
    And when the whole damn world is dead
    there's your %#@*ing peace"
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    kr580kr580 Posts: 4,420 ✭✭
    and why buy crap 10 yr old cards? buy boxes of SPa and the sort
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    And i think anyone who does as well as he says he does should know when to use their, there, or they're. You can't even use proper grammar or usage of common words, and you expect us to believe the crap you're spewing out?? My bet is that you make $4.75/hour working at Baskin Robbins, and you share a efficiecy apartment with your grandma

    " go to the local library to use there computer"

    "their" shows possession smartie, "there" shows locale, and "they're" is a contraction for they are


    I'd challenge you to a battle of wits...... but you appear unarmed

    "Stop talking, negotiating,
    Your feeble attempts at world peace
    Give me a %#@*ing break
    Need worldwide genocide, planetary suicide
    And when the whole damn world is dead
    there's your %#@*ing peace"
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    my jerik you sure are dumb....image

    Minimum wage is 5.15$... lmao

    Just kidding.. I have no opinion in this matter... I am just really F-IN Bored



    REF: DPSPORTS, SPEEDMASTER, nascar20, McDee(x2), Epag, Bradley25, Duncangal, Representcards, Drew(x2), Ahares(x2), Kenny(x2), 8kobe, jrrcrum, vittleboy, Remster, swides, robdemkis, LJMAYA, IversonMiles, BlackbirdXXX,RichyPF32
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    if you look on my yahoo aucton page. i've sold 3 cases of sp baskets in the last week. yup, thats cheap crap. also i don't need proper vocab to be able to count my money. i dont have to lie i have truth of all i spew.

    i have the luxury of having wed & thurs off from my regular job. considering i'm arguing with a bunch of teenagers trying to prove a point you wont understand for another 10 years.
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    This is classic, This whole post has to be a joke. Funny stuff! My turn.

    GRADEDREAM AT WORK>as a dishwasher for the restaurant he supposedly manages.

    BOSS- Hey Gradedream, quit playing with them cheap a-- tennis cards and get back to them dishes.

    Gradedream- (in his nervous voice which is very similar to bobby buche's from the waterboy) but-but-but I still have two minutes.

    BOSS- You have two seconds before I whoop your a--

    Gradedream- I-I-I- don't appreciate being threatened

    BOSS-Well then your really not going to appreciate this, (grabs gradedreams favorite Andre aggasi card and rips it into sixteen little pieces and throws it at him.)

    Gradedream- (face turns beet red)- RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR- (charges boss head first, but boss moves out of the way and Gradedream rams into head waiter on his way to the dining room to bring a real millionaire his food, and food flies everywhere, including on the Boss.

    BOSS- GRADEDREAM!, (in his very best Vince Mcmahon voice), YOUR A-- IS FIRED!!!!!!!!
    Culpepper to ?, only God knows at this point!
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    v-v-vicki v-v-vallencourt
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    What a great thread!

    Lot of fun for everybody here.

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    ranchranch Posts: 341
    Gradeddream, if you're so wealthy, then how come you don't have your own damn scanner so you can scan your own damn cards? I'm telling you, wealthy guys with nice cars; who date hot girls don't argue online with teenagers.

    Give me a break!
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    k21g- Yep, thats Gradedream, but he definately wouldn't have a chick like that. Oh wait, he's dating trish Stratus, my bad.imageimage
    Culpepper to ?, only God knows at this point!
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