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Not coin related, just thought it was funny!

You can fool man but you can't fool God! He knows why you do what you do!


  • You can fool man but you can't fool God! He knows why you do what you do!
  • labloverlablover Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've eaten cookies, tossed my cookies, got my cookies off but I've never had to expire my cookies.
    "If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." Will Rogers
  • wallstreetman,

    The page to which you have linked was a dynamic page based on your Yahoo log-in. We can't read it because we don't have your ID cookie.

  • Cant call me a computer geek! If you want to see it, I will forward it to you!
    You can fool man but you can't fool God! He knows why you do what you do!

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