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1899O Barber Dime Broken U Varity-HELP

I believe I have a new vatiety of this coin.While going through some coins I havn't looked at in years. I found one of the above.The one I have has a Dot between the opening of the O >U.The Dot sets in the center of the U.Contacted Mr. Lindsey Ashburn who has a Web Site on these coin and sent him a photo and he said it sure looked like it was a new Variety.I need help from some one who really knows these coin to tell me what they think.I've found some of the smartest people right on the site.Thanks,Snake
James Best


  • WhiteTornadoWhiteTornado Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭
    I do collect Barber Dimes, but I sure cannot offer much help with varieties. Is this something that J.T. Stanton could help with? He's the author of the Cherrypicker's Guide. Try e-mailing him at:

    stantonbooks@aol.com or jtstanton@aol.com

    Hope you find some info.
  • Dog97Dog97 Posts: 7,874 ✭✭✭
    Chris Pilliod is the Barber attributer for CONECA. He'll attribute it for you for $5. The submitting information is on CONECA's website. conecaonline
    Change that we can believe in is that change which is 90% silver.

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