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Is there gold in them thar hills?

Last week at work (remodeling) I found a 1910 penny and a 1944 quarter under some baseboard. It's always fun finding these 'free' coins. It got me wondering--what's the best coin you ever got for free? Old buildings, buried in the dirt, pocket change at the liquor store, whatever (robbery doesn't count)
That humanity at large will ever be able to dispense with artificial paradises seems unlikely. Most men and women lead lives at the worst so painful, and at the best so monotonous, poor, and limited, that the urge to escape, the longing to transcend themselves, if only for a few moments, is and always has been one of the principal appetites of the soul.

Aldous Huxley

Yabba dabba doo.

Fred Flintstone


  • anoldgoatanoldgoat Posts: 1,493 ✭✭✭
    1955 DDO laying on the ground back in 1957 or so. It went in a nearby gumball machine.image
    Alright! Who removed the cork from my lunch?

    W.C. Fields
  • imageimage
    That humanity at large will ever be able to dispense with artificial paradises seems unlikely. Most men and women lead lives at the worst so painful, and at the best so monotonous, poor, and limited, that the urge to escape, the longing to transcend themselves, if only for a few moments, is and always has been one of the principal appetites of the soul.

    Aldous Huxley

    Yabba dabba doo.

    Fred Flintstone

  • Your right, you are an old goat...Thanks for the good laughimage
  • Well i was going to say a MS-66 flowing hair half... but u said it couldnt be anything stolen so i guess that one is shot. I did get a XF-45 1859 IHC in a contest though. (Pushkins essay contest)
  • BikingnutBikingnut Posts: 3,384 ✭✭✭
    My father owns a lot of rental homes back in south central PA. Lots of the houses were built in the early 1800's. WQhile remodeling one house back in 1995 that had been damaged in a fire, he found two 1864 Indian head cents and an 1865 two cent piece wedged in the frame of one of the windows that needed to be replaced. Very cool even though all are well worn.
    US Navy CWO3 retired. 12/81-09/04

    Looking for PCGS AU58 Washington's, 32-63.

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