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Operation Eternity - send 250,000 Bibles to Iraq

Kenney Vaughan is part owner of International Currency and an x- olympic skier. They sell American bullion coins, certified coins, and all traditional gold pieces.

He has a goal of sending 250,000 Bibles to our military forces in Iraq.

The 82nd Airborne has already ordered 10,000 Bibles. They still need 5000.

The First Marine Expedition has requested 50,000. 7000 have already been sent to them.

The senior Chaplin of the Armed Forces has requested the rest.

Kenny has been told that many other people have requested a Bible outside out Armed Forces. The demand is great and the need is greater.

Here is there website: Operation Eternity

The cost for sending a bible is $6.00 each.

Anyone interest in sending our forces a Bible, my sincere thanks.

Kenny has told me that if you would like to talk to him about a donation, you can call him directly at - 800.326.7882 - ask for Kenny or Shawn.

We at Cameo CC are sending a number of Bibles to support our troops.

Todd Abbey


  • labloverlablover Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thank's for sharing this. I'll send several so others might hear the "Good News".
    "If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." Will Rogers
  • nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,386 ✭✭✭
    Not just good news, but Good News. image
  • Heard a news story on the radio about the post office giving a list of things that aren't supposed to get through customs for the mid east. They are Bibles or any other religious item that teaches anything other than the Islamic faith or anything to do with pornography. There were a couple of other things too.
  • These Bibles are going directly to our troops. They will use the Military postal system. These Bibles have been requested by our troops and their leaders.

    Todd Abbey
  • Kenny has told me that if you would like to talk to him about a donation, you can call him directly at - 800.326.7882 and ask for Kenny or Shawn.

    Todd Abbey
  • Great post Cameo CC may I also suggest Kenny contact the organization Giedions International for additional help in this wonderful and positive effort.
  • BaleyBaley Posts: 22,663 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Heard a news story on the radio about the post office giving a list of things that aren't supposed to get through customs for the mid east. They are Bibles or any other religious item that teaches anything other than the Islamic faith or anything to do with pornography. There were a couple of other things too.

    I'd like to donate a bible, plus will throw in all my back issues of playboy and penthouse, plus a pallet of bacon and ham! imageimageimage

    Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry

  • Don't you religious nuts ever give up? You want to convert the whole world. With all the starving people in the world, I could do a little
    better than a bible of my own religion. Is this a holy roller thread now?
  • SeattleSlammerSeattleSlammer Posts: 10,034 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hmmmm, Bible and Penthouse...which one do you "read" first?

  • Erm... not all troops are Christian so why send them things only some could use?
  • I only look at the Bible for the pictures
  • TassaTassa Posts: 2,373 ✭✭

    << <i>Erm... not all troops are Christian so why send them things only some could use? >>

    Well, if the troops are requesting them, what's the problem?
  • This is a wonderful idea. I'm sure the majority will gladly help. Its sad for those who do not believe. A little prayer will sometimes help that tooimage. THANKS for the phone number Todd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Gotta love them Mercs
  • Nothing wrong with sending them something they request. Also I think people should send things to people that everyone can use so u are not only sending stuff to those of a certain religion. The only use they have for a large pop. of the armed forces are either to throw at the enemy or to whipe there areses with. I also think its odd that we have a send bibles to our troops thread on a U.S. coin forum. But thats just me and my non religous ideas.
  • EVillageProwlerEVillageProwler Posts: 5,856 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm not so sure that this thread is for real... It seems a bit far-fetched that the Pentagon would allow such a massive influx of Bibles into Iraq because it would serve to inflame the Muslim world even more.


    How does one get a hater to stop hating?

    I can be reached at evillageprowler@gmail.com

  • TassaTassa Posts: 2,373 ✭✭
    Well, KK, I do think that it might be better if this were in an open forum, but I suppose someone could argue that it might be semi coin related since the person organizing the effort is part owner of a business that sells coins. image
  • nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,386 ✭✭✭
    As a religious nut, I'm happy to see a bigger picture. Call me whatever you like.

    Neil, a very happy religious nut.
  • No where on the website does it say that our troops have requested 250,000 bibles. It simply says that he has a goal of sending 250,000 bibles. Where did those numbers come from?
  • TassaTassa Posts: 2,373 ✭✭
    Did you read the first message in the thread?

  • danglendanglen Posts: 1,674 ✭✭✭
    I come from a family that has an extensive background in Christian publishing. It is my understanding that current "out-the-door" cost for printing a King James Version Bible in the quantities you mentioned is between $2.70 and $3.00. Hmmmm.............image

    My Website

    "Everything I have is for sale except for my wife and my dog....and I'm not sure about one of them."
  • nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,386 ✭✭✭
    Zondervan charges a small royalty for NIV. That's where the extra comes into play. That's why like like this site personally.

    PS: Yes, I expect this thread will be moved to OT. And this will be my last post in it.

  • Don't you religious nuts ever give up? You want to convert the whole world. With all the starving people in the world, I could do a little better than a bible of my own religion. Is this a holy roller thread now?


    great logic for a bigot
  • mr1931Smr1931S Posts: 6,260 ✭✭✭✭✭
    >>>He has a goal of sending 250,000 Bibles to our military forces in Iraq...The 82nd Airborne has already ordered 10,000 Bibles...The senior Chaplin of the Armed Forces has requested the rest.

    250,000 bibles x $6.00/bible=$1.5 MILLION

    This war is going to cost at least $70 BILLION. It seems to me that the senior Chaplin of the Armed Forces should be able to get those bibles to our troops who want it with taxpayers footing the bill.

    $1.5 MILLION...chump change

    Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein

  • << <i>Did you read the first message in the thread? >>

    *Scratches head in disbelief and thinks that maybe I should rephrase the question*

    Where did those numbers [listed in the first message] come from? To whom where the requests made? I'd just like a little more information before I go and make a donation.
  • TassaTassa Posts: 2,373 ✭✭
    I'm sorry. image I thought that was probably what you meant. I wasn't sure, though, which is why I asked the question. Perhaps the information could be found by PMing the thread starter or calling the 1-800 number he listed. I would like to know more about it, too. image

    Edited for spelling.
  • Sounds like someone trying to cash in on a highly emotional situation. I have noticed that 'feed the children' is already trying to cash in on the military families left behind. They aired a 30 minute infomercial about starving military children in the us. Before you contribute to these please consult your consumer affairs department in your state. I think you may be surprised at how little actually goes through to the intended recipients. Right now the troups don't need bibles, they need close air support and a whole bunch of bombs dropping on Bagdad. Anyone cashing in on this situation should be shot for treason.
  • AskariAskari Posts: 3,713
    I don't know anything about this organization, but I'd want to do more research before sending them any money. Unfortunately, these kinds of times bring out the scam artists too. It sounds legit ... but then that link for "Atheletes for Christ" sounds to me a bit too much like the "Fellowship of Christian Athletes" ... and the same people appear to be responsible for that site as well.

    There's actually nothing they're doing that can't be done by individual churches or denominations. In fact, many troops will have their own bibles with them. Can anybody down around Houston check this outfit out locally?

    Come on over ... to The Dark Side! image
  • relayerrelayer Posts: 10,570

    Rush Limbaugh mentioned people sending bibles to the troops on his radio show and said that what the troops said they would rather have is chapstiks, wetnaps and the like that aren't standard issue.

    I assume every soldier who wanted to carry a bible around with his gear already took one with him, but some folks have their own Crusade on their agenda.
    My posts viewed image times
    since 8/1/6
  • MacCrimmonMacCrimmon Posts: 7,058 ✭✭✭
    The cost on 100 Gideon New Testaments is $130 bucks, and the Military generally gives them, at no charge to
    Uncle Sam, to interested recruits when they are enlisted.

  • GilbertGilbert Posts: 1,533 ✭✭✭
    Please don't take this the wrong way, as I have no agenda either way, but as a prior military man, I find this request, let's say odd.

    I never had a problem getting ANY religious material, Bible or otherwise during my military career -- the military Chaplain program has seemed more than capable of providing for our needs.

    Sounds like the "hotel program;" they want to make them available whether asked for or not.

    I also find it a bit irrational to think the great majority of our combat troops are going to be sitting around reading anything besides letters from home.

    If anything, all that is probably needed is the pocket Bible for "symbolic" comfort, but the last thing we need to do is play into the notion that a "crusade" is going on.

    Just another perspective.

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