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Please let me know what you think of this Ebayer....

He emailed this to me upon getting my payment.

"After you receive your package and have had a chance to examine the map please post feedback so I will know you are satisfied with your purchase and I will do the same.

Thanks for bidding and God Bless!"


  • DCAMFranklinDCAMFranklin Posts: 2,862 ✭✭
    Plenty of sellers on Ebay that have been burned by some nuthead that submits negative feedback without even sending an e-mail to give the seller an opportunity to make the transaction right. Like it or not, they feel the need to wait for the buyer to provide feedback before they will enter their feedback.

    I'm not fond of the practice, but I sure understand why they feel the need to take such a stand.
  • SeattleSlammerSeattleSlammer Posts: 10,034 ✭✭✭✭✭
    IndianHead, am I missing something? The seller's response sounds very professional to me....just wants to make sure you leave feedback once you are satisfied.......right?

    I'm confused what you're worrying about.....

  • baccarudabaccaruda Posts: 2,588 ✭✭
    he's holding feedback over indianheadman's head so he won't leave negative (no matter how he feels about the transaction).

    i wouldn't leave any feedback.
    1 Tassa-slap
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    1 Russ POTD!
  • SeattleSlammerSeattleSlammer Posts: 10,034 ✭✭✭✭✭
    baccaruda, I think it's getting a bit paranoid in here. Unless the seller had done other things to suggest that he was forcing IndianHead to leave him good feedback, I just don't buy that idea from his statement.

    Again, am I missing something here? Seems fine to me....what is the seller a mobster or something?

  • baccarudabaccaruda Posts: 2,588 ✭✭
    not paranoid, it's a typical seller strategy.

    this is just a nice way of saying "don't leave negative feedback or i'll retaliate".
    1 Tassa-slap
    2 Cam-Slams!
    1 Russ POTD!
  • BarryBarry Posts: 10,100 ✭✭✭
    As a buyer and seller, I feel it's the seller's responsibility to leave feedback first. If he gets paid promptly, that's all that he needs before posting feedback, although I do understand the waiting game. As a buyer, if the seller doesn't leave me feedback by the time I get the item, I send a short email, something like:
    I got the coin and I'm pleased with it. If you left feedback for me, I will reciprocate.

    At that point, most sellers do leave feedback, and I do reciprocate. Only once, out of several hundred transaction has a seller responded that they only post feedback after the buyer. So, I didn't leave any (I was tempted to neg or neutral him for "holding feedback hostage," but I knew what that would get me...) About 10% of the sellers don't leave feedback, so I don't either.
    At this point, with a 400 or so feedback, I really don't care if I get any more.

  • It seems like a childish tactic, but what do you expect these days?
    When I was a child, I caught a fleeting glimpse
  • hookooekoohookooekoo Posts: 381 ✭✭✭
    this is just a nice way of saying "don't leave negative feedback or i'll retaliate".

    Baccaruda is correct.

    Once the seller has received a valid payment, the buyer's task is done and deserves feedback.

    Once the buyer has received a statisfactory item, the seller's task is done and deserves feedback.

    Look at the problem from the other side, if it is ok for the seller to in effect say (you post feedback on me and then I'll do the same), then it would be just as valid for the buyer to say the same thing. So who goes first?

    Unless eBay changes things such that NO feedback is displayed until BOTH have posted (i.e. in effect, they post feedback at the same time), then the only valid rule on who should post feedback when is that the Seller post feedback on receipt of payment and Buyer post feedback on receipt of item.

    If sellers want the "right" to post feedback last, then they should receive their peice last (i.e. ship the item first, buyer gets item, posts feedback, then sends seller money, seller gets money, then posts feedback).
  • dbldie55dbldie55 Posts: 7,736 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't understand the philosophy that a seller should leave feedback when they get payment. Do those who feel this way also feel that sellers should not allow returns? If they leave feedback, then the transaction must be complete from their point of view so no returns should be allowed.

    I don't believe in the feedback hostage situation. I leave feedback as a buyer when I receive my item. Some times the seller has already left feedback, sometimes they leave it right after me and sometimes they do not leave it at all. No biggie, I am on ebay to buy (and sell things) not get feedback.

    As a seller, I used to leave feedback right away, but now I wait until I am sure the sale is a done deal. If a buyer leaves feedback, I will return it as I know they are happy with the deal. If they do not leave feedback, after a period of time I will leave it as I figure they must have received it and have not complained. I did have a buyer send me an email wanting feedback. I left it, but should not have as I cannot stand people who insist on feedback. It was a feedback hostage situation in reverse.

    I always read mails with return feedback is always left.

    I like the idea of feedback not posting until it is left by both parties. Of course, those with many negatives could just not leave feedback, and then none of them would show. This would force those who do not leave feedback (many who brag about their own feedback) to have to leave it in return.

    Collector and Researcher of Liberty Head Nickels. ANA LM-6053
  • SeattleSlammerSeattleSlammer Posts: 10,034 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ok, I see some points here, HOWEVER, if IndianHead doesn't like the item, he probably will return it...in which case both could still leave feedback for a successful return transaction (I've done it before).

    If IndianHead does like the item, he leaves his positive feedback and I assume the seller will reciprocate....

    Either way, you have positive feedback for both parties, regardless of whether IndianHead likes the item.
    The only way this isn't true is if the seller refuses return, in which case he might have to deal with some negative feedback.

    I still don't agree that the seller is using poor tactics to make sure he gets only positive feedback. I think that's an assumption.

    HERE'S AN IDEA: IndianHead, why not call the seller and clear things up over the phone if you're that worried about it....?

  • DCAMFranklinDCAMFranklin Posts: 2,862 ✭✭
    SeattleSlammer- There is nothing to clear up. If IndianHeadMan is happy with the product and the speed of delivery, then he should just submit Positive feedback. The seller will then return with Positive feedback. It really is NOT a big issue and has been covered 1000's of times in other threads.
  • SeattleSlammerSeattleSlammer Posts: 10,034 ✭✭✭✭✭
    DCAMFranklin, that's exactly what I wrote. I agree 100%

  • Those type of seller NEVER get any future business from me. I feel that when a buyer has satisfied their end of the deal by making payment positive feedback is in order. It is then up to the seller to satisify the customer. When a seller sends me such an email, I respond by saying, If you wait for me to give feedback first YOU WILL RECEIVE NONE!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats one of those things that really gets me fired upimage
    Gotta love them Mercs
  • BigD5BigD5 Posts: 3,433
    Some of you seem to take the feedback thing a bit heavy, no? As a buyer, I leave feedback once I receive the item, and it was as described. I don't rush to Ebay to do this. It gets done when it's convenient. I could care less if the seller leaves feedback in return. As a seller, I don't leave feedback until I have some form of contact from the buyer that the item was received in good order, and is acceptable. Whether that's an email or feedback, it doesn't matter. If I never hear from the buyer, I probably won't leave feedback.
    As a side note, I'd never send a request for feedback, in order for the buyer to expect my return feedback.

    Ebay Stuff
  • Sounds like a very courteous, reasonable guy to me!
    I happen to post feedback when I get paid...thru Paypal. Twowood image
  • mr1931Smr1931S Posts: 6,260 ✭✭✭✭✭
    "please post feedback so I will know you are satisfied with your purchase"

    What the seller means is "please post positive feedback" Does it really have to be said that a satisfied customer would normally post positive feedback?

    If I was the buyer,I'd email the seller telling him how satisfied I am with the purchase and then I'd wait for him to post feedback for me before I post feedback for him.

    Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein

  • NoGvmntNoGvmnt Posts: 1,126
    As a seller I leave feedback as soon as I recieve "good" payment, I then mail the item to the buyer and Email him/her that I have sent the item and let them know when they should expect delivery, I also ask that they let me know if they do not recieve delivery by that date and to Email me when they do revieve the item. once they Email me that they have recieved the item and are satisfyed with it, I respond to them and ask that they leave feedback.

    In short, a seller should not withold positive feedback, nor even present the appearance of witholding feedback for any inappropriate purpose.
  • Guys and gals,

    This is always a tough one. Like many, I always leave postive feedback on satisfactory payment (as a seller) and on satisfaction of the sale (as a buyer), and never ask for feedback. All my feedback comes from those that really wanted to give it - so I feel good about all that is given.

    That said, I don't mind it when someone asks for feedback in advance (either buyer or seller). Although I am a thin-skinned in general, I am thick-skinned when it comes to whether a seller holds back feedback on me until I've left feedback. If it was a good transaction, I answer it as such. If it was a hassle or wasn't good, then I work with the other party to resolution, and barring that, keep my feedback in reserve for the 90 days "just in case."

    Just my way of doing things. It doesn't work for everyone...
  • I think it's about time for ebay to start allowing users to change their feedback comments (for a 30 day period, or so). That way buyers won't feel like their feedback is being held hostage, and sellers could feel free to leave feedback without fear of getting an undeserved neg. Also, if there was a problem or mis-understanding that lead to a neg and it was resolved, it could be changed to reflect it. I think everybody would be happier with that situation. I will definitely suggest it on my next survey I receive from them.
    My website: WWW.telecoin.bizland.com
  • I decided to just leave a positive and get it over with. Most likely I will not do business with this guy again.

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