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Bucs@Phila first Monday night game???

I was unde rthe impression that the SB champion got the first Monday Night game at home.


  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    The NFL will be against us the whole season..who cares, after destroying the competition last
    year, we need a challenge...we tore down the old place and now we are going to tear down the
    new place!

    Can't wait for the start of the season!

  • Good to hear. Love to start with the wreckage of defending by destroying McNabb. Definitely will be entertaining to shut him down again.
  • Philly has a new stadium that kicks arse! Tampa will be destroyed Week 1!!!!! Brad who? Keyshawn who? Mike who? Warren who?

    You guys had your year, now everyone knows what Gruden's up too, no way in hell will they repeat! Dexter Jackson super bowl MVP now plays for Arizona haha. Jackson sucks anyway not a big loss, EAGLES WILL KILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL THE BUCS WEEK 1 AND IN THE PLAYOFFS!

  • << <i>Philly has a new stadium that kicks arse! Tampa will be destroyed Week 1!!!!! Brad who? Keyshawn who? Mike who? Warren who?

    You guys had your year, now everyone knows what Gruden's up too, no way in hell will they repeat! Dexter Jackson super bowl MVP now plays for Arizona haha. Jackson sucks anyway not a big loss, EAGLES WILL KILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL THE BUCS WEEK 1 AND IN THE PLAYOFFS! >>


    THATS WHO. 2003 Super Bowl Champs!!
  • After this season they will be even in rings, but until than you have the bragging rights, just telling you that the Eagles are going to win it all this year so you can go place your bets on the Bucs but your just going to be losing money.
  • i dont even think the bucs will make playoffs. the eagles will once again, make the playoffs, but they have a very tough opponent in their division now. the redskins have a killer offense except for a qb, trung canidate, lavernous coles, and their other recent signings are gonna make them a contender, but i hope philly goes to the SB. the bucs had a fluke year, and a fluke win in philly. thats like the first time theyve beat them in like 3 years.
  • I would like to see Philly beat Tampa, I like Mcnabb because hes a hometown hero I watched throughout his college career at Syracuse. Plus most people hate the bucs since they have the most morons on a team since Dallas a few years back....Keyshawn-R.Johnson-Sapp.......the amazingly gay, trio!

    Lets Go Buffalo!


    Seth's Cards

    Trading/Buying all high end BILLS GU/Autos! ! !
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    MAN does Philly fan sound weak! You know your defense is gone and McNabb is getting the booos
    early this year! A butt kicking....or should I say..BUC Kicking is all you guys need in week 1. How
    pathetic was it to close down the smelly vet with a butt trouncing against the Bucs?? Sapp and
    Brooks are going to destroy you like the last time we played you! If Brad Johnson could throw
    at will against your good defense this year, what is he going to do this year when you are
    half as good?? 40 50 60 points???

    Skinfan....Where were you last year??? Well actually you did a great job talking smack up unitl
    Spetember hit and you guys got murdered! Spurrier is a waste and you have NO QB and
    a paper defense! You arn't even in Philly's class! What a joke team! Hey at least Rob Johnson
    has a SB ring huh??

    Its a long time until September, but if you all want to start the smack early LMK....again if you
    think your feelings are going to get hurt stay away! LOL

  • As for the 1st Monday night game, they usually try to put past years champ against another contender. I remember when the Broncos had a string of like 3-4 straight years of opening the season on Monday Night.
    Anyways, the Bucs have basically the same team, they didn't really gain or lose anything. Dexter Jackson was just a product of the system, like Donnie Abraham was. This is gonna be a good game, but I don't think the Eagles wanna start out the year by losing at their new stadium. As for the Redskins, they sure did get quality players and I think Patrick Ramsey will do a good job at QB. Gonna be a good race this year, can't wait. A month tell the draft,and 5+ till season starts.
    Interested primarily in Champ Bailey-RCs, game-used and autos
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