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Russ made me do it

After looking at the post Russ made of the Canadian Golden Tulip. I decided, just to look mind you, around at coinage from north of the border. I was really impressed and disgusted at the same time. Impressed at the workmanship and change that the Canadian Mint has every year, at the same time disgusted that if they can do it why cant the U.S. have nicer designed and more intricate workmanship on their coins? Maybe age is catching up with me, I have a BU collection of ASE 18 coins that are identical except for the date. I mean no disrespect to any collector that has sets but how long can you look at identical coins? I welcomed the State Quarters because of the change in scenery I hope it was only a start and that they continue. The only other US coin that changes is the Platinum eagle series.

Enough of the soap box, when all of this was over I was the owner of 3 new Canadian coins, one Golden Tulip dollar, One 87 Davis Strait dollar and a new 2003 100th anniversary of the Cobalt strike dollar all proof's.

Thanks Russ for broadening my approach to collecting.imageimage


  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭
    Yep, current US Mint production does lack a certain "flair". Some of the foreign coins (the Britannia comes to mind) are flat-out breathtaking. Every time one of those darkside people sneaks in here and posts an image, I find myself drooling a little bit. You can find some variety in the US commemorative coins, though.

    BTW, my Tulip is on the way.image

    Russ, NCNE

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