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encapsulating gold coins

I'm getting ready to send my Dad's gold coins to be slabbed. I've read here that no one should buy raw gold. Is that the consensus? Is it a good idea for me to go ahead and send them all in?


  • DaveGDaveG Posts: 3,535
    If you're only having them slabbed in order to sell them, then I would have them slabbed if I were selling them on eBay and the slabbing would be likely to be worthwhile, or, if you're selling them to a local dealer who you don't know very well.

    For example, if you have uncirculated or better-date coins, it would certainly be worthwhile to have them slabbed.

    On the other hand, if you have XF common date gold, then I don't think that having them slabbed would add anything to the price you'll receive (as long as you have good pictures and a return policy on eBay). Certainly a dealer won't offer you one cent more on a common coin if it's slabbed.

    Check out the Southern Gold Society

  • darktonedarktone Posts: 8,437 ✭✭✭
    Hi coindaughter, I think buying raw gold is just like buying any coin raw- you should know the series and how to grade the series and what coins are commonly faked and what an original coin looks like. I have got a few bad gold coins buying them raw but the good coins I have got far out weigh the bad ones. Maybe you can post some pictures so we can help you figure out what coins would benifit by being slabbed. I never send too many of my best coins on the same submission because they can be lost in the mail- I know it happened to me once. mike

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