Home U.S. Coin Forum

Special Thanks to Colorfulcoins and Tonelover

Recently, I acquired a few upgrades for my c.s. Washington Quarter set. This gets harder to do as one gets closer to the top ten. It's a rough and competitive crowd. image
Check the listings and you see that the top 18 are all 100%, and the other 2 on the 1st page are @ 99%! I just upgraded 4 coins and didn't move up any! image
Craig and Jon have been most helpful. In fact, both transactions involved trades and consequently two-way pricing.
I sent Jon a 1/2 dozen coins to look at, and he picked-out a few to add to his collection. He gave me a fair price for them and used them as a down-payment against what I (still) owe him for one of my upgrades. He sent my upgrade to me immediately w/a "return if you don't like it" policy.
Craig sends me a coin, we agree on a price, and I send him a coin back as payment without him knowing. He insists on giving me more than I expect for it against what I (still) owe him.

It's people like Craig & Jon (and many others here) that help keep the hoby and these boards a fun and rewarding place. Trust is an important commodity here, and I have a truck-load for these guys.

Thanks again, Craig and Jon.




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