i find this quite ironic to the point of bordering on humorous. as it climbed to $370/ounce, everyone clamored to buy it and the talk was that when war broke out in Iraq the price would sky-rocket and soon be over $450/ounce. i wondered then as i wonder now why on earth everyone buys gold when the price is high and climbing?? the time to buy was a year ago when it was at $260 and starting to creep up while keeping an eye on what has happened for when it starts it's tumble.
based on the last few years alone----and understanding that i know little about the events which drive the price and even less about investing----it seems a stable price for the long term is anywhere from $290-$315/ounce. much less than that, buy. much more, sell.
al h.
my prediction-------it will fall throughout are adventure in Iraqu and shortly thereafter, only to stabalize close to my above estimate.
I cant complain, I may buy back those $50 Eagles and add to my $20 Gold in the $300 range! I just couldnt get myself to sell the $20 Gold! If you want to play the short term game buy Platinum bars, Platinum swings big in a matter of months, not years! The Platinum coins wont come down as much because of the mintages, more of a long term hold!
You can fool man but you can't fool God! He knows why you do what you do!
<< <i>everyone clamored to buy it and the talk was that when war broke out in Iraq the price would sky-rocket and soon be over $450/ounce >>
Not everybody. I said it was a temporary bump, and would probably go nowhere, just like it has for the last 20 years. Of course, all the "experts" (read: Goldbugs) said I was full of crap.
It might be premature to start patting everyone on the back for predicting gold's demise. When the Iraq conflict is complete we will still have the same mess in our economy we started with. Nothing has changed that or will fix it. The gold cartel, FED, and the central banks that constantly manipulate gold got a reprieve with the Iraq conflict. They were on the ropes bleeding and about to be counted out. They did have the physical gold to cover all their short bets. But they got bailed out on the last bell. Rocky will be back. Let's reopen this conversation down the road a ways.
I bought abouit $10K of slabbed eagles. I am holding them for my retirement and hoping that by then I will to too senile to remember what a fool I was.
Beautiful coins and jewelry....horrid investment...
based on the last few years alone----and understanding that i know little about the events which drive the price and even less about investing----it seems a stable price for the long term is anywhere from $290-$315/ounce. much less than that, buy. much more, sell.
al h.
my prediction-------it will fall throughout are adventure in Iraqu and shortly thereafter, only to stabalize close to my above estimate.
Shock and Awe!!!
over $350 - sell
ps. repeat.
<< <i>everyone clamored to buy it and the talk was that when war broke out in Iraq the price would sky-rocket and soon be over $450/ounce >>
Not everybody. I said it was a temporary bump, and would probably go nowhere, just like it has for the last 20 years. Of course, all the "experts" (read: Goldbugs) said I was full of crap.
Russ, NCNE
But they got bailed out on the last bell. Rocky will be back. Let's reopen this conversation down the road a ways.
I love Ike dollars and all other dollar series !!!
I also love Major Circulation Strike Type Sets, clad Washingtons ('65 to '98) and key date coins !!!!!
If ignorance is bliss, shouldn't we have more happy people ??
"The silver is mine and the gold is mine,' declares the LORD GOD Almighty."