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1878 Morgan B2f reverse

Unlike a great many VAMs that are difficult to detect even under high magnification, here is one that is apparent to the naked eye. I believe this isthe 1878 7tf B2f reverse. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong about that designation.

Pay no attention to the nasty reed marks on the eagle's breast. It is the wings that are of interest. Note how excessive die polishing has nearly eradicated the feathers at the junction of the right (viewer's left) wing, as well as feathers in the middle of both wings.

The excessive die polishing may have be done in an attempt to repair clashed dies, as clash marks can be seen on both the obverse and reverse.

The obverse exhibits some excessive die polishing at the nostril and lips.

Question: How does excessive die polishing that removes detail affect grading and value?


1878 rev


  • DMWJRDMWJR Posts: 6,011 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It certainly is a B2 reverse, but I can't tell from the picture which one.


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