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One more heads up for you Southern Californians


  • Sounds like a good show! wish I was going,oh well next weekend is the Buena Park show!
    Friends are Gods way of apologizing for your relatives.
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  • BaleyBaley Posts: 22,663 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My wife and I drove up to this show yesterday, yes, I said UP we live south of Oceanside, CA image

    Nice 20-30 tables at the elks lodge type setting, fairly friendly group who mostly seemed to know each other, offering the usual material: lots of BU and Proof moderns, lots and lots of lightly to heavily circulated 20th century collector coins by date in 2x2s, a few scattered pre-1850 coins, most heavily worn or cleaned, some paper money and foreign coin specialists and one lady that had thousands of indian cents in all grades, including some high grade slabs. Just made the 3:00 drawing, just missed the gold coin by 4 numbers. Had a nice drive up and back down the coast, the weather was awesome!

    I looked at a couple of decent looking pcgs proof walkers that I kind of wish I had made an offer on, and a guy in the back left corner had some pretty nice early type coins, including a couple of attractive bust dollars, a Gobrecht dollar in AU, lots and lots of seated coins, and even some high grade DB large cents I asked to see, but didn't pursue, he wasn't interested in any of my trade material and i only had a thousand cash on me, didn't feel like pushing too hard for a deal since the coins were ok but not exceptional. Also checked out a couple of raw better date peace dollars and a couple of slabbed commems, a Vg Draped bust half dollar, and a couple other early pieces, but nothing jumped out at me. I did realize how hard it is to find really nice looking classic coins, from the cross section at this show, and how the stuff I brougt to sell was the same stuff they already had. I asked what they'd be really interested in buying, you hear, "slabbed or raw higher grade type, slabbed key dates from all series including moderns, slabbed high grade morgans and walkers and mercs, etc." basically, the kind of coins you hold on to while you get rid of your more common and lower grade duplicates. This is also the first show I have been to since I returned to active collecting a couple of years ago, since I started buying on ebay I've been spoiled by how fast and easy it is to search for what I'm looking for, versus going around and asking dealers and having to decide there and then, rather than checking my screen as auctions close and setting my own price.

    Did pick up a proof 2000s Sac, raw for $5, for my type set to replace the BU coin I got at face, and a couple of elderly gentlemen in the back had a 1953 dime in Proof65, a VG 1838-O no stars dime, and a nice 1892 indian cent I could use, so I didn't leave the show empty handed, and of course I still had my raw MS64 and MS65 franklins and washingtons and morgans that I came with, which were nicer than 99% of the ones I saw in the cases, but couldn't convince any of the dealers that they were worth a premium for the full strikes and nice luster and original surfaces, without them being encapuslated. Hmmm. I didn't find anything capped or draped that I wanted to take home with me image

    however, there are a couple of lots closing this afternoon that I've got an eye on image

    Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry

  • I picked up a couple of nice raw Morgans...including an 04-P I needed, probably a 62 or so...and a few cents and Liberty nickels to plug a few holes.

    If that guy in the back left is the one I'm thinking of, he had some nice stuff but his starting prices were so outrageously high for the stuff I wanted, I had no chance of talking him down to reasonable.
  • FlashFlash Posts: 1,090 ✭✭✭
    I drove up to Arcadia (from San Diego) to the "Coin-O-Rama" that was advertised in Numismatic News. They failed to mention, however, that there would be no real coins at the "Coin-O-Rama". What I found was an entire bourse filled with gambling tokens and Las Vegas memorabilia. I stayed for five minutes and then headed down to Oceanside. After making my way though the horrendous traffic I finally arrived at about 12:30pm. As as been the case in the past, I didn't really find anything of interest at the show, but I did come within 3 numbers of winning one of the drawings. Because I hate leaving a show empty-handed I picked up a 1989 Prestige proof set and a 1911-D cent in AU for my Dansco. Upon leaving, I gave my drawing ticket to a young girl who was collecting them. She had collected about a dozen of them by the time I left the show. I'm looking forward to the Buena Park show this upcoming weekend!
  • Matt, glad to see you're going to the Buena Park show this weekend.We'll see you there!
    Friends are Gods way of apologizing for your relatives.

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