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bag of coins

I was contacted by what I thought was a potential bidder on my 1887/6-O listed on ebay. As it turns out, it was a new "collector". She was given bag of coins from an uncle & she had 1887 & she thought her coin looked like mine.
She wants to know what to do with a bag of coins. She said dates go back to 1822 & up to more recent dates gather over the years. Approx 200 coins in bag. Gave short course to explain grading & they did buy a coin book. What would be best suggestion for her to determine what coins are worth? I will pass on any info. or she can check your posts

Thanks, John


  • Obviously in this situation it would be easy to rip her off but If I was you I would ask to purchase the bag from her but offer her a decent price, maybe a couple hundered dollars even if you don't know what is in it just buy it and you'll probably find some decent coins.
  • She really not ready to sell & I don't want to buy. She just wants to know how to find value of the lot. Would a local dealer look at them?

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