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Photography Question

I am experimenting with taking pictures of some of my coins. I have a number of questions...

1. Does anyone know of a web-site that might have suggestions on how to take better photographs coins?

2. I see a number of photographs being posted on this forum...are these pictures being taken BEFORE the coins were slabbed?

3. Can you scan and or take pictures of coins through the slab? Will the photo still come out ok?

So far I have not had a lot of luck with taking pictures of my coins. But I am open to suggestions...and willing to learn image

Thanks ahead of time for your responses...
I love coins...image


  • Hello and welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your time here!

    (The pod grows...image)

    To answer one of your questions, I take pictures in the slab and out of the slab. The lighting and angle differs for the two different applications. I tend to slant the camera angle a little more on the slabbed coins because the camera can often show up in the plastic. Proof coins in particular can show line ghosts if you shoot straight over head. I don't typically scan my coins, but again, both in the slab and out works fine. Sometimes you have to prop up one end of the slab a bit with a pencil or dowel to get a good angle on a scanner, especially with proofs or DMPLs.

    Big Bear
  • 1. This was posted once on this forum and I put it in my favorites. It is a great help with coin photography.


    2. A small few of my coins on my website are photos taken before they are slabbed. Most are slabbed and I use an editing software to crop the photo to just the coin.

    3. Check out my website located in my signature line below. Almost every picture is take through the slab.

    Hope that helped a little.


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