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exceptional/monster/superlative coin sites



take a look and let me know waht you think

sincerely michael


  • dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,691 ✭✭✭
    been to both sites, do not care particularly for either 1. why?

    pqcoins.com: far too much real-estated is occupied by plastic. show me COINS!

    monstertonedcoins.com: better, but digi-pics look funny to me, not reaslistic at all. i guess that's a problem w/ all digital photography. i like conservative images, where you just have the gut feeling that the coin in hand probably looks a lot nicer than the image. that said, at least they were smart enough to strip most of the plastic out of the real estate. ie., the blowup images show the COIN.

    michael, do you like beautiful coins? or beautiful coins in slabs?

    K S
  • michaelmichael Posts: 9,524 ✭✭
    these two gentlemen myself i think are really great collectors and have for me great sites!

    for me being an imperfect world sometimes you have beautiful great! coins in slabs

    so be it!

    for me just another holder but oh what beautiful coins! you must be able to look beyond the holder!

    oh in answer to your question dorkcarl i must say i love the slabs better...............lol

    that is what i like about you dorkkarl as you have known me for years and know all about me to offer such an educated opinion about me! thanks!!

    you always have something positive and good and non judgemental to say on here! it is always a pleasure to see you on here!!

    sincerely michael

  • dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,691 ✭✭✭
    hey michael, i'm catching up w/ you buddy, only 60 posts behind!!! image

    K S
  • michaelmichael Posts: 9,524 ✭✭
    you will be passing me soon carl!!! i wonder who currently holds the recond on here?? for posts!

    i guess for me i have to agree with you carl

    since i like the slabs for protection and they are in holders currently i guess for me i really do not mind it also the market so far seems to like the slabs so for me it is just a bonus and of course you have to buy the coin not the holder

    but i guess for me i do not mind slabs overall this would be a totally different story if i had coins where the edge was important to identify and l.ook at itis for ALL COINS but evenmoreso for pre 1830 coins!

    and for circ stuff that is totally original and also pre 1830 for me i would rather have it raw

    i guess overall i do like the slabs for the coins as it protects them and helps many i think learn and enjoy coins more

    if everyone was like me and you carl then i think it would be a totally different story

    and i am assuming that you carl are a long time experienced advanced collector with soem specialities and i think this is not most of the current market

    not good or bad just the way it is and many including me are comfortable with the slabs and i see many coins i like and usually more often then not they are slabbed

    but as for the fuuture i do not know i see lots of positives for slabs but also some not so positive things i guess it is like thast with everything

    but i do see less collectors that are new and really do not know waht they are looking at and can evaulate for themselves if they use common sence and buy with a descerning eye the slabs have helped them get less burned so to speak and i am talking coins that are pre 1950 ms/pr 68 and below

    sincerely michael

    sincerely michael
  • michaelmichael Posts: 9,524 ✭✭

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