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Will Mdwoods "Miracle Submission" be Citizen Kane's "Rosebud"?

For those that don't know mdwoods had the greatest all time submission of state quarters in the history of mankind. This is now known as the "Miracle Submission."

In the movie Citizen Kane Orson Wells character's last word was "Rosebud." This took place in the beginning of the movie. The search for the meaning of "Rosebud" was a device used to narrate the story of Citizen Kane's life. Turns out "Rosebud" was the name of Kane's sled as a boy and represents a time in his life of complete happiness.

Makes me wonder about our Millwright friend Mdwoods and his "Miracle Submission." Though he is a self-actualized man, much like Kane, and has the world at his fingertips,at least until they get smashed, is he doomed to keep repeating that moment when his grades arrived and he gasped"Miracle Submission." Will this be the one event in his life to feel complete happiness? When he is old and senile, sitting in the rocking chair, will he be doomed to repeat over and over,"Miracle Submission" while holding up a piece of plastic. Since no one will know what he's talking about maybe they will make a movie about him call it Citizen Millwright.

All I know is two things:
1) Though happy for him I wish it was my submission
2)I have way too much time on my hands today


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