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How old are you David?

mdwoodsmdwoods Posts: 5,549 ✭✭✭
Just wondering. mdwoods
National Register Of Big Trees

We'll use our hands and hearts and if we must we'll use our heads.


  • homerunhallhomerunhall Posts: 2,496 ✭✭✭
    I'll be 56 in April.

    My grandmother was a coin collector. She gave me penny and nickel coin albums for my 12 birthday (1959). By the time I was 14 (1961) I was selling coins to my classmates in school and hanging coins on the bid boards of local coin shops. This was during the big coin collecting boom of the early 1960s. At that time there was a corner coin shop or two in every city of any size in America. Downtown Santa Ana had three shops. That's where I made my chops, buying and selling coins with grizzly old men who would screw their mother out of a nickel.

    I went to my first coin show at 19 (1966)...it was the Long Beach Coin Show...the same Long Beach show that is still one of the coin market's major events today. I went to my first ANA at 25 (1972). I ran my first ad in Coin World at 26 (1973). I bought my first $10,000 coin at 27 (1974). Made my first million at 32 (1979) and lost it all at 34 (1981).

    I did my first post on the PCGS message board at 55 (2002).

    Hope to be here for many more years and hope I can pass on a lot of what I've learned. Thanks for asking.


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