Are Modern Graders Exclusive to Moderns

in Q & A Forum
I think I recall reading someplace that one (or both or more) of your modern graders graded exclusively, or near exclusively, moderns. I don't recall if that was some official PCGS information, one of your prior posts or Q&As, or some gossip someplace. That tidbit is the premise of my question. So, if it is incorrect, I guess just clear that up and then my question is likely moot.
On the other hand, if that is correct, here's the question: Do the "modern" graders look at all moderns (no matter the service level) or do they just look at coins submitted under the Modern tier? Said another way, if a modern is submitted under the Regular (or Express Special or Coin Show) tiers, will it typically be viewed by the dedicated modern graders or by the other graders?
I think I recall reading someplace that one (or both or more) of your modern graders graded exclusively, or near exclusively, moderns. I don't recall if that was some official PCGS information, one of your prior posts or Q&As, or some gossip someplace. That tidbit is the premise of my question. So, if it is incorrect, I guess just clear that up and then my question is likely moot.
On the other hand, if that is correct, here's the question: Do the "modern" graders look at all moderns (no matter the service level) or do they just look at coins submitted under the Modern tier? Said another way, if a modern is submitted under the Regular (or Express Special or Coin Show) tiers, will it typically be viewed by the dedicated modern graders or by the other graders?
We have one grader that looks at "ultra" modern coins only, i.e. the 1980 (or so) stuff. Most of the other graders do modern stuff as it comes thru the modern submission lines. The big bulk modern submissions are handled by our modern-only grader and one other grader. Modern coin submissions keep getting bigger and bigger, so we will probably soon add another modern-only grader.
Note that I have always thought PCGS submissions were a market indicator. So when PCGS submissions are going up, it generally means the market is hot and has significant momentum. If you think about the modern market from that perspective, then you have to believe that this market is growing. Note that very few of the large telemarketing firms sell moderns. This market takes a lot of heat from the more traditionally minded dealers, but it obviously has a lot of collector demand.
In years past, I used to be a vintage snob...and I was one of those who thought Rick Tomaska was totally out of this mind when he first started the 1950 to date cameo bit 10 years ago or so. But in the past five years, I've started to leave the value judgements behind and listen to market place demand. People love these coins and it doesn't look like any amount of vintage snobbery will be able to stop the growth of this market.