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Beta on Free Coin software to end soon!


COIN Inventory has been offered here in this group at no cost for the past many weeks. Many collectors have downloaded the BETA and provided us with many good suggestions on improving the software. For this we are grateful. The BETA is very nearly coming to an end so the former FREE price is now $9.95 plus $3.95 CD-ROM & Priority Mail and will be raised to $19.95 plus $3.95 by the end of March. You are invited to purchase the full software system (Windows 98 and greater, MAC & Unix/Linux versions coming) by visiting our web at www.janschwenk.com. The install for the program is 32+ mb, and the Access XP runtime (free - if you need it, and you need it unless you already have Access 2002-XP installed on your computer) is 52+ mb. If either or both downloads take too long through your internet connection, email you name and mailing address to me at janrschwenk@attbi.com and I'll mail you a cd-rom by return mail at no charge.

This version of the software covers only U.S. coins from 1616 to present, including varieties, errors and mis-strikes. If you reside outside the U.S. and are a collector of U.S. coins, shipping will depend on your address. We intend to add coverage for coins from all over the world and invite collectors of coins of other countries to contact us at janschwenk@attbi.com to discuss adding your country's coins.

If you already have a BETA copy and you have provided us with comments, suggestions and critique, you may continue to use the software permanently and you will be notified of updates and new features, new versions, etc. if you have registered with us on-line through the software.

U.S. coin collector since 1943. Have tried desperatly to keep every coin that has come to hand, but unfortunately, some got away.


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