Have only made one purchase with them, and was very pleased. The photo of the coin I purchased was accurate. I have seen a couple of his other coins which a fellow forum member purchased (if he is still here), and they were wicked as well. Hope this helps.
I have on numerous occassions and without exception, been very pleased with the coins. Bid with confidence and a lot of cash (for the good stuff) if you expect to win one of his auctions.
He is from my area. I have seen the coins in person that he sells on his site. The colors that are in the photos are also on the coin. He does have a way of making them come alive.
Sorry to interrupt this little lovefest. The coin I bought was definitely AT'd, and a bad job. The actual coin looked very little like the picture, which was also "enhanced". However, the seller has an excellent return policy.
Edited - the coin was raw - I got the impression it was being sold on consignment?
Sells unusually and colorfuly toned coins. Almost all are slabbed by PCGS, NGC, or ANACS. Remember two raw commems labeled by the seller as possibly AT, but pretty (in particular a WC commem). Pretty upfront dealer statement. Return policy is excellent....Superb/unusual toning always begs questions as to its origin and worth. If you are unsure of how to judge real colors, don't bid. Stick with brilliant PCGS coins and you should be fine. There's tons of ebay dealers selling brilliant coins, maybe only a half a dozen sellers sell cool toned coins....Your choice.
"You keep your 1804 dollar and 1822 half eagle -- give me rainbow roosies in MS68." rainbowroosie April 1, 2003
were beyond what I wanted to pay.
Bid with confidence and a lot of cash (for the good stuff) if you expect to win one of his auctions.
Rainbow Stars
If I had it my way, stupidity would be painful!
Edited - the coin was raw - I got the impression it was being sold on consignment?
rainbowroosie April 1, 2003