I am doing some research on Korean coinage from 1880 to 1894. I am use a combination of primary and secondary sources. The primary sources are the most fun though! Going back to the primary sources, you can see just how much guess work goes into some of the secondary research!
Hi...It depends on what you are studying. For the series that I study, the number of sources is extremely limited. These are all the sources that I use:
- Breens:Encyclopedia - Bowers': Encyclopedia of Silver and Trade Dollars - Gobrecht Journal - Willem's Trade Dolllar Book - Auction Catalogs
Thats it.
Please write down what you are looking to study. Sometimes there are very good sources that are limited in print.
I research & write on early US 1793 - 1853. I use a cmbo of primary & secondary sources. Primary sources are the Mint records in the National Archives, Debates and Proceedings of Congress, period texts.
I use Korean dynastic records, official and unoffcial histories, and academic books and articles, mostly from history and economics and mostly in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.
I use the Library of Congress site for quick research. It looks like I'll have to go to the National Archives to get the Mint reports I want, though.
For secondary literature (one of my profs hated the term "secondary sources" since a "source" is always primary) I use books from the ANA library and my own collection.
Thanks for the responses guys. I've used the ANA library several times as well. What a great resource! I have basically finished my research on the gold rush of Colorado, and am putting it into an article. That is my current interest, but I always enjoy hearing of others work. Thanks! John
I don't have the 74 - 76 reports, but may know someone who does. Aside from that you can get the reports oput of the US Serial Set available at most major libraries.
The congressional discussion you're looking for would be in the Debates and Proceeding of Congress available at http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/amlaw/lawhome.html. You'll just have to page thru the various doucments available.
Do a search at the main page (http://memory.loc.gov) on twenty cent piece. You'll get quite a few hits:
Multiple Collection Search -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 Items containing the exact words twenty cent piece.
15 Items containing the words twenty cent piece near each other.
436 Items containing all of the words: twenty cent piece, but not near each other.
32 Items containing one or more of the words: twenty cent piece
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items 1 through 20 of 500
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items containing the exact words twenty cent piece. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Century of Lawmaking Senate Journal --TUESDAY, February 10, 1874. 2. Century of Lawmaking House Journal --THURSDAY, December 10, 1874. 3. Century of Lawmaking Senate Journal --TUESDAY, March 31, 1874. 4. Century of Lawmaking House Journal --TUESDAY, December 15, 1874. 5. Century of Lawmaking Senate Journal --WEDNESDAY, March 3, 1875. 6. Century of Lawmaking Senate Journal --APPENDIX 7. Century of Lawmaking House Journal --WEDNESDAY, March 3, 1875. 8. Century of Lawmaking Senate Journal --TUESDAY, June 23, 1874. 9. Century of Lawmaking Senate Journal --BILLS OF THE SENATE 10. Century of Lawmaking Congressional Record --HISTORY OF SENATE BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS. 11. Century of Lawmaking Senate Journal --INDEX. 12. Century of Lawmaking Congressional Record --HISTORY OF SENATE BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS. 13. Century of Lawmaking Senate Journal --BILLS OF THE SENATE. 14. Century of Lawmaking House Journal --INDEX. 15. Century of Lawmaking Senate Journal --INDEX 16. Century of Lawmaking Congressional Record --INDEX TO THE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, FIRST SESSION, FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. SENATE PROCEEDINGS. 17. Century of Lawmaking Congressional Record --SENATE PROCEEDINGS.
Please pardon this bit of darkness...
I am doing some research on Korean coinage from 1880 to 1894. I am use a combination of primary and secondary sources. The primary sources are the most fun though! Going back to the primary sources, you can see just how much guess work goes into some of the secondary research!
Are you doing research now?
- Breens:Encyclopedia
- Bowers': Encyclopedia of Silver and Trade Dollars
- Gobrecht Journal
- Willem's Trade Dolllar Book
- Auction Catalogs
Thats it.
Please write down what you are looking to study. Sometimes there are very good sources that are limited in print.
I use Korean dynastic records, official and unoffcial histories, and academic books and articles, mostly from history and economics and mostly in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.
Specializing in 1854 and 1855 large FE patterns
For secondary literature (one of my profs hated the term "secondary sources" since a "source" is always primary) I use books from the ANA library and my own collection.
Obscurum per obscurius
I need to find a copy of Senator Jones' bill of February 1874 proposing the coin and subsequent discussion, too.
Obscurum per obscurius
I have basically finished my research on the gold rush of Colorado, and am putting it into an article. That is my current interest, but I always enjoy hearing of others work.
I don't have the 74 - 76 reports, but may know someone who does. Aside from that you can get the reports oput of the US Serial Set available at most major libraries.
The congressional discussion you're looking for would be in the Debates and Proceeding of Congress available at http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/amlaw/lawhome.html. You'll just have to page thru the various doucments available.
Obscurum per obscurius
Multiple Collection Search
17 Items containing the exact words twenty cent piece.
15 Items containing the words twenty cent piece near each other.
436 Items containing all of the words: twenty cent piece, but not near each other.
32 Items containing one or more of the words: twenty cent piece
Items 1 through 20 of 500
Items containing the exact words twenty cent piece.
1. Century of Lawmaking Senate Journal --TUESDAY, February 10, 1874.
2. Century of Lawmaking House Journal --THURSDAY, December 10, 1874.
3. Century of Lawmaking Senate Journal --TUESDAY, March 31, 1874.
4. Century of Lawmaking House Journal --TUESDAY, December 15, 1874.
5. Century of Lawmaking Senate Journal --WEDNESDAY, March 3, 1875.
6. Century of Lawmaking Senate Journal --APPENDIX
7. Century of Lawmaking House Journal --WEDNESDAY, March 3, 1875.
8. Century of Lawmaking Senate Journal --TUESDAY, June 23, 1874.
9. Century of Lawmaking Senate Journal --BILLS OF THE SENATE
10. Century of Lawmaking Congressional Record --HISTORY OF SENATE BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS.
11. Century of Lawmaking Senate Journal --INDEX.
12. Century of Lawmaking Congressional Record --HISTORY OF SENATE BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS.
13. Century of Lawmaking Senate Journal --BILLS OF THE SENATE.
14. Century of Lawmaking House Journal --INDEX.
15. Century of Lawmaking Senate Journal --INDEX
17. Century of Lawmaking Congressional Record --SENATE PROCEEDINGS.