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How can I research the history of this coin?

Hello again, anyone know how I can research the history of this Larry Briggs Seated Quarter?

Once there, click the "next" butto to see the reverse.

Thanks, Jim


  • Whan you say "history" of the coin, what exactly do you want to find out? If you wanna find out about seated quarters, I would HIGHLY reccoment Lathmach (Ray) on these boards (hes a wealth of knowledge when it comes to std. quarters). If you wanna know about the pedigree of the coin, LArry Briggs is a big seated quarter expert/owner of segs/owner of larry briggs rare coin. He musta had some of his coins (duplicates?) from his own collection slabbed and sold.
    Sean J
    Re-elect Bush in 2004... Dont let the Socialists brainwash you.

    Bush 2004
    Jeb 2008
    KK 2016

  • They were also all sold in a Heritage auction as a collection a few years ago...
    Briggs also wrote a book on Seated Liberty Quarters.
    It's quite a nice book by the way
  • NoGvmntNoGvmnt Posts: 1,126
    Would you possibly have the title of Larry Briggs book on Seated Quarters?
    Pedigree is what I originally was looking for but I gess there wouldn't be much on this particular quarter considering it is only an AU53.
    Thanks, Jim
  • RittenhouseRittenhouse Posts: 565 ✭✭✭
    The book is "Comprehensive Encyclopedia of US Liberty Seated Quarters" by Larry Briggs. You should be able to get it from any supplies dealer. I believe Brooklyn Gallery Coins & Stamps carries this.
  • NoGvmntNoGvmnt Posts: 1,126
    Thank You Rittenhouse.
  • RKKayRKKay Posts: 3,017 ✭✭✭
    If you are an ANA member, the library will send it to you, on loan, for the cost of postage, along with other related materials that can help you.

    ANA Resource Center's Email
  • lathmachlathmach Posts: 4,720
    Larry Briggs is author of "The Comprehensive Encyclopedia of United States Liberty Seated Quarters", published in 1991.
    Larry used his own collection, along with about 10 other major collections of Seated quarters, to supplement his notes and outside sources of information in putting together his book.
    The SEGS slabbed 1844 in your link is one of the coins from his collection. I didn't compare it to the book, but most likely it's the plate coin for the book.
    He started SEGS and slabbed his collection of quarters. These were sold at auction as someone else here has already noted, about 4 years ago. Some of the rare varieties of coins didn't bring as much as expected, and Larry contacted some of the auction buyers and bought back some of the material.
    He has Epstein-Barr disease, a condition that makes you feel tired all the time. He told me years ago he was not going to rewrite his book, as it takes a lot of effort. I certainly hope he finds the strength to do it though, as the book is getting outdated.
    I don't want to get into any longwinded discussions with any of the members here, concerning Larry, but my own opinion of him is that he is one of the most knowledgeable people in United States numismatics today. He knows coins, especially the Seated Series.
    Although he started SEGS, only once in a while will he have any SEGS slabbed coins for sale.


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