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Nothing wrong with the demand for high grade Franklins...

Denver Mint Franklins in MS-66 FBL are pretty difficult to acquire. An opportunity to add the '51-D, in this grade, to your collection only comes along once in awhile.

'51-D PCGS MS-66 FBL

This buyer recognized opportunity and put his bid right up. A very nice looking coin. image


  • FC57CoinsFC57Coins Posts: 9,140
    That's a tough example, only 20 or so graded at that level. I have one, though it's not the greatest example. The date is known for a very strong strike, but unfortunately very baggy and mishandled.

  • MadMonkMadMonk Posts: 3,743
    Rare or not, I don't like the eye appeal of that coin. I would pass. Have one in 65fbl, and would take it any day over this one. Hmmm, time for a possible grade reviewimage
    Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.
  • GilbertGilbert Posts: 1,533 ✭✭✭
    hmmm. Funny you should post that.

    Over the weekend I was seeking out a few Franklin halfs and just about everyone that I was interested in from the R&I guys had a bid by "cardnumber7". Whether the bid was in the hundreds or the thousands, there was the bidder.

    Either we have very similar interests, or someone's trying to make a run.

    I really didn't know how to interpret the eBay history, so, I just "closed my browser." Personally, I prefer not to get into bidding wars with the same person in 4 or 5 auctions; but that's just me.

    BTW, THAT coin wasn't one of my interests. image
  • sinin1sinin1 Posts: 7,500
    DCAMFranklin - who are you? You keep pushing the stuff that deepcameocoin has listed from R & I Coin. Are you the numistmatist/salesperson that works at R & I in charge of the deepcameocoin account?

    Just curious - and find it odd you are not telling anyone who you are and do not have the PM turned on.

    PS - can you get me a good deal on a couple of Rick's books? I am looking for the one on the Franklin halves and also the one on proof coins - dealing with cameo/deep cameo. thx.
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>and also the one on proof coins - dealing with cameo/deep cameo. >>


    That one's currently $10 plus $4 shipping direct from R&I. Fantastic book, BTW.

    Russ, NCNE
  • DCAMFranklinDCAMFranklin Posts: 2,862 ✭✭
    Sinin1- I'm sorry if I gave you, or anyother Member, the impression that I was "pushing" coins from R&I Coins. I have on a number of occasions pointed out low Population coins I thought may be of interest to some Members.

    In this case, I wanted to point out that an Ebay buyer had no reservations about jumping on a $2,790 initial bid. A good sign for the health of the Franklin market. On other occasions I have made observations about the increasing percentage of Cameo/UCAM NGC coinage being offered by R&I. For whatever reason, it is pretty obvious that more of their submissions are going across the street, than in the past.

    I have absolutely NO affiliation with R&I Coins. The only connection that could be made is that I have bought a number of coins from them in the past.

    As Russ pointed out, the Cameo/Deep Cameo book is now on sale at R&I. Some of Rick's material had a great influence on my choice to collect Cameo/Deep Cameo coinage. Unlike Russ, I was not at all impressed with the book to which you refer. In fact, a good percentage of his estimates regarding Cameo/DCAM Populations was grossly understated. Certified Populations of Cameo/DCAM coinage are well in excess of his estimated populations, and growing. Some of pictures and comparisons are nice, though that wasn't really what I was looking for. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the reading! image
  • mdwoodsmdwoods Posts: 5,549 ✭✭✭
    R&I has fine coins. I have purchased several from them. David Lawrence also had a beautiful PCGS MS66FBL 51 D in their case at Baltimore. Flashy with great color. There were quite a few nice Franklins in Baltimore. I saw a 58D in PCGS MS67 FBL. Pastel rainbow coloring and it looked to be a mark free, completely struck coin. Very nice. mdwoods
    National Register Of Big Trees

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  • jeffnpcbjeffnpcb Posts: 1,943
    imageI have several Franklins toned like that, and they don't take pictures well! That picture does not do the coin justice. I guess if it weren't in the slab you would have a hard time telling it was FBL from that angle.


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  • RonyahskiRonyahski Posts: 3,117 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't see how a $2,790 bid on a 51-D Franklin in 66FBL shows a good sign for the health of the Franklin market when they sold for $6,500 not all that long ago.
    Some refer to overgraded slabs as Coffins. I like to think of them as Happy Coins.
  • Bidder has retracted his/her bid....Ken
  • ClausUrchClausUrch Posts: 1,278
    I like R & I and DeepCameo coins; they offer great coins and terrific service but I have found that their prices are on the "premium" side. Nothing wrong with that, mind you, as the coin usually deserves the premium. If you have the funds they are definetly the way to go but a nice set in MS65FBL can be built for much less if one "shops around".

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