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Proof Dimes and Cents-CA or DC?????

I need to find out how to tell the difference between a proof dime or cent that is Cameo or Deep Cameo. I have several dimes (dated 1968 to 1972) and pennys (dated 1968 to 1972). I plan on selling, but I need to find out what they are and what they're worth. I have pictures of them, but I've been having problems with my forum account - everytime I want to post it makes me log in, then when I try to attach pictures it tells me I can't because I'm not logged in image I can log in 15 times and still not be logged in!!! So if you need pictures please e-mail me and I'll send them to you. Or I'll attach them if I get some help getting this cleared up soon. Thanks!!


  • sinin1sinin1 Posts: 7,500
    I was at a decent sized show today and was looking for proof CAM or DCAM pennies and nickels - did not see any in PCGS (if it not PCGS who cares?)

    My impression is you need frosting on devices - with few or no breaks
    and you need depth of field (how deep the reflection)

    I am no expert - maybe some people could add to that
    pictures are deceptive and can make things better or worse than actually are for this.
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭
    Here's a deep cameo dime from that era:


    And a deep cameo cent:


    You can use these to compare to.

    Edited to note that two sided cameos for the cent and dime between 1968 and 1972 are very scarce, and two sided deep cameos are flat-out rare.

    Russ, NCNE
  • Russ; is there any way I could send you pictures of what I have through e-mail? I think I have 2 pennys that are deep cam on both sides, and one dime.....I also need to find out approx. what all of the proofs are worth because we will probably sell them. Please send me an e-mail and I'll get them out to you sometime tomorrow...I still have to take pictures of the reverse sides of the coins. Thanks!
  • ttt
  • Here are the pics of the ones i "think" are Deep Cameo....The reverese side of the Cents didn't come out that good but maybe you can tell for sure. The dime I'm pretty sure is deep cameo on both sides (the casing is cracked on this one)

  • The photos help.

    I think the Dime is a cameo. I can't tell about hairlines because of the cracks and so forth in the holder.

    I don't think either Cent will cameo. The reverses are not cameo. The '68 has almost no frost on the reverse. I can't tell but maybe even Lincoln's shoulder has less frost than his nicely frosted face. The '72 has a touch of frost on the reverse I don't think it would make cameo, certainly not DCAM.
  • I'll bet the 68s is a nicely toned green.
    I have a couple I picked out of a few sets.

  • I used a digital camera for these and I just couldn't get the right lighting! Anyone have any idea what they are worth??? I'd like to know an approx grade and value for regular proofs, the cameos and IF the others are deep cameo (I'm pretty sure the 72s dime is)...I've listed the proofs I have at the top of the post....we're thinking of selling these, or some of them...if they're worth it! Thanks for all your help!
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭

    Did you want a straight answer on their value, or should I shift in to Mr. Sensitive mode?

    Russ, NCNE
  • caroljo
    Be carefull what you ask for...........................image
  • sinin1sinin1 Posts: 7,500
    Carol - it is hard to tell from your photgraphs - only coins of much value would be highly graded PF coins with CAM or DCAM

    It would cost more for PCGS to grade these than you would get

    All 3 look similar to what is found in most proof sets from those times and the proof sets (with prnny, nickel, dime, quarter, half) are not extremely valuable

    1968 $6 - 8
    1972 $4 - 6

    If you try selling these on eBay, listing and commission fees would eat up any value to you. Keep them or give them to your kids/grandkids
  • These aren't proof sets, they're individual proofs. I don't have them with me right now (I'm at work!), but I believe I have 1968 through 1972 Cents and 1968 through 1973 dimes. If these are so cheap, why then when I look at the single proofs in the price guide here that it shows they're alot more valuable????

    Russ, try the SENSITIVE mode, ok? I'm not a collectors - all the coins we have we either my dad's or my husbands dad's......so I'm trying to learn and make sure I'm not being cheated or cheating anyone else...
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>If these are so cheap, why then when I look at the single proofs in the price guide here that it shows they're alot more valuable???? >>


    There are two problems with that.

    First, the PCGS price guide is based on PCGS graded coins. Yours are raw and, since they are very very common, would command little in the market place. For these years, unless the coins graded DEEP CAMEO and at least 68, they aren't even worth the submission fees. If your images are even close to accurate, they will not meet that criteria.

    Finally, the PCGS price guide is wildly inaccurate. With most moderns you can, at best, figure about 50% to 60% of the guide for PCGS graded material.

    I really wish I could tell you that you had some coins of value here, but if I did I'd be blowing smoke and, in the long run, that would be more hurtful than being blunt about it up front.

    Russ, NCNE
  • Russ, thanks for your help. I have come across some of the coins that I've gotten a pretty good price for (Morgans,Mercs, etc). There's also quite afew British, Australia, Italian, etc & currency I've been working on. I sold some German marks....it's been fun but also really hard. I can look at a coin and think it looks perfect, WRONG! I've gotten so much help from different people here - they put up with my dumb questions!! Ya, it would be nice to be told I've got a $5000.00 coin image
    but i'm not going to hold my breath!! Thanks for all your help!
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I can look at a coin and think it looks perfect, WRONG! >>

    Hehe, you and me both. You should see some of the disasters I submitted when I first started.image

    Russ, NCNE
  • mnmcoinmnmcoin Posts: 2,165
    For what its worth I completely concur with Russ on these. Those coins even in 68cam are basically break even for me. the 68dcam on the dime would even be a break even, and the 72 lincoln would be a marginal gain in 68dcam. I believe I sold my last 72s dime in 69dcam even for around $30. Dimes are usually the easiest one in dcam. The 68 even in 68cam would be a $25-$35 coin wholesale. From what it looks like on your pics, the 72 is a marginal cam, with the 68 having no shot. The dime is a cam, but again not worth submitting. Look on ebay and type in pcgs and 1968 or whatever and you'll see what they sell for, but again, remember to look at actual sales, and not just starting prices. You should be able to see some pics as well for them graded. Most of the post 1967 stuff isn't worth much in even cam, and needs to be high grade 69+ for it to be worth submitting individually. And even post 1972 stuff is only a marginally profitable coin even in 69dcam...unless it is a Lincoln in 68-69dcam (1973-1976)

    hope this helps

    morris <><
    "Repent, for the kindom of heaven is at hand."
    ** I would take a shack on the Rock over a castle in the sand !! **
    Don't take life so seriously...nobody gets out alive.

    TEMECULA, CA 92590
    (951) 757-0334


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