I have the next 1963 PR70 Lincoln!!! Compare and contrast!!

Here is the "perfect 1963 proof cent" (the bottom 3 jpegs) and a link to a $16 set i won...my cent has no flaws that i can see. There was only some dust in the holder and a few tiny scratches on the holder. My 1963 is flawless. Can you see any flaws on the 70???
If that 70 is the standard by which all others are judged i have a sure thing with mine!!! Any offers??? We'll start the bidding at $38,000 and see where the market takes it. I'll even let you have the cameo washington too.
If that 70 is the standard by which all others are judged i have a sure thing with mine!!! Any offers??? We'll start the bidding at $38,000 and see where the market takes it. I'll even let you have the cameo washington too.
Even the holder costs half of what you paid!
(Want to double your money?!)
Actually, it does look better than THE 1963 penny from a few weeks ago, which only serves to prove that timing is everything in life.
Though it is a very nice proof set.