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Pocket Guide to Early Dollars

cardinalcardinal Posts: 2,005 ✭✭✭✭✭
Hello All,

In my recent thread, I mentioned that BJ was tentatively planning a PCGS Set Registry display of my collection of Early Dollars at the Long Beach Show this June. I wholeheartedly invite everyone who will be attending the show to visit the PCGS booth and get an in-person view of what I have been working on the last 9 years!

I really think this series is fascinating. (I guess that's why I collect them.image) However, it is really easy to make mistakes in attributing the different varieties of early dollars, even the main ones listed in the Redbook and recognized by PCGS. The most commonly mis-attributed ones are the 1799/8 Overdate with 15 or 13 reverse stars, and the 1802 with wide or narrow dates. (Even the grading services label these wrong at times.) To help collectors make the CORRECT attributions, I have developed a booklet titled: Early Dollars - A Pocket Guide to Major Varieties. This booklet is 36 pages in length (5-1/2" x 8-1/2" format) and contains over 80 full-color images, including all the closeups needed for proper attributions. BJ will have a supply of these available at the Long Beach show, so everyone can stop by and pick up their free copy.

I know that not everyone will be able to make it to the Long Beach show, so I have re-formatted the booklet to make it available for download, right here on the PCGS U.S. Coin Forum message board. The original publication data file with all of the images imbedded is 172MB -- MUCH to big for a simple download. So, I converted the file to a basic Word document, and I replaced all of the images with hypertext links to their online image files. If you review the Pocket Guide while connected to the internet, the hypertext links will bring up exactly the image that appears in the printed version of the Pocket Guide. (And the onscreen images will be much larger than the printed ones!)

The downloadable version of the Pocket Guide is approximately 102KB (MUCH smaller), but it is still too large for direct attachment here. So, I've broken it into 5 parts, to make it accessible for everyone.

Please feel free to download the Pocket Guide, use it and share it freely. I only ask that you respect my copyright and NOT republish it for profit.

-- Cardinal

Early Dollars Website


  • MadMonkMadMonk Posts: 3,743
    Cool! Thankyouimage
    Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.
  • Wow, Cardinal .... awesome contribution to the hobby !!!! Thanks so much for sharing your effort and knowledge. If specialists in every series did this, the hobby would be vastly enriched.

    I saw a larger format book of your collection, about 8½x11" that Gary Carlson had at ANA in the summer. Any chance I could buy one of those? I would be more than happy to pay accordingly !!

    Thanks again,
  • cardinalcardinal Posts: 2,005 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That've very nice of you to say, Sunnywood. Thank you!!

    The 8-1/2x11 book is very nice -- it's over 170 pages, with more than 200 full color images. I thought someone had told me that you had already obtained a copy.

    The tough part about that book is that, so far, the requests have been really minimal. So I've only done very small print runs. Due to the full color imaging throughout, and the heavy stock used for the pages (which really does make the images stand out more boldly), it costs about $80 plus tax per book to have it printed! image I'm currently looking into other avenues for publication to bring the reproduction costs down. (For example, the new book "100 Greatest Coins" provides a great coffee-table style photographic reference, hard-bound with great color photography for only around $30!)

    I'll make a post to the message boards when a new run is available.

  • jeffnpcbjeffnpcb Posts: 1,943
    imageAny chance of making the east coast! Orlando and Atlanta are the easiest ones for me!!
    Great collector and strong dedication!!!! Job more than "WELL DONE"!


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  • numobrinumobri Posts: 1,473 ✭✭✭

    Thank You Cardinal.Now on to hashing through all of this new and improved info.Perhaps i'll be able to thank you in person some day.Take care.

  • cardinalcardinal Posts: 2,005 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I'm currently working on arranging a display at this summer's ANA show in Baltimore, and next January's FUN show. Perhaps you will get an opportunity to see the set in person then.


    Thank you for your interest. After you've had a chance to go through the materials, I would appreciate any comments you might have toward making an even better future edition!

    Early Dollars Website

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