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Baltimore: Its more than just crab cakes

I didn't see any specific mention of crab cakes in Mr. Halls post about the new policy, so I'm hoping this will be considered 'OK'.

I went down Thursday afternoon, attended the Thursday night Bowers sale and then did a hi-hello this AM at the bourse.

The auction was for me pretty predictable - the few deluxe pieces were very strong, while the run of the mill material was pretty quiet. I did buy one of the coins I went to see at Bowers in NH a week ago.

A nice dinner and a few drinks with some dealer friends on Thurs. which I always enjoy and where I always leanr a lot (not sneaky-rumor learnings but open-interesting-numismatic learnings).

The show itself was pretty quiet overall too, but that was early on Friday and maybe these things only start rocking and rolling on the weekend. Though I'm also pleased to report that, again, not one single collector was able to break into the bourse area prior to the official 10 AM start. And, once I got in, I picked up one more pretty cool coin-

So thats 2 pieces in 8 hours when I may normally buy 10 or 12 in a year. Not bad, not bad.


  • goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭
    Post some pics of your new coins!

    I can't wait to get there tomorrow.
  • If I post picks, the whole world will know who I am and then I'll be banned for sure.
  • TootawlTootawl Posts: 5,877 ✭✭✭
    Don't forget to meet the gang fro lunch at 1pm on Saturday. We'll be meeting at the entrance.
    PCGS Currency: HOF 2013, Best Low Ball Set 2009-2014, 2016, 2018. Appreciation Award 2015, Best Showcase 2018, Numerous others.
  • Tootawl -

    I'd love to but I'm home already - I've spent all my money and I've seen all the coins.

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