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Does anyone have any links to dealers, informational websites, etc. who specialize in Civil War Storecards or pre-1940 good-fors?
"Don't talk like an ignarosis."

I specialize in Wisconsin currency! Looking for information on WI national banknotes. Census stands at 12,318 notes.

**"Wisconsin National Bank Notes - 2nd Edition" is out!!!" Only $20PPd!!!


  • ccrccr Posts: 2,446
    I did a general search on Google and found this. The second link is run by one of the board members here.

    Civil War Token Society

  • ttt
    "Don't talk like an ignarosis."

    I specialize in Wisconsin currency! Looking for information on WI national banknotes. Census stands at 12,318 notes.

    **"Wisconsin National Bank Notes - 2nd Edition" is out!!!" Only $20PPd!!!
  • truthtellertruthteller Posts: 1,240 ✭✭
    Sal Falcone in San Jose, CA is very reputable in this area and has been dealing in tokens and storecards for years. Many 'good for' token dealers will not give you value information since they collect them as well.
  • Matt,

    Here is a link to Rich Hartzowg's site. He has the most comprehensive list of token/exonumia books that I have seen. He even has a book on Wisconsin C W Storecards and Tokens imageimage

    I have done business with him and was very pleased.


    Collecting Census Data on Rep of TX Consolidated Fund Notes: I Would Appreciate The Serial Numbers of Any Notes You Might Have. Thanks!!

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