Back to normal?
The best thing we can do for ourselves, our hosts, and the banned members is get
back to "normal". Not necessarily the normal weekend behaviour or the frequent
bashing, slamming, and troll toasting, but the talk about coins that often occurs around
here. It seems unlikely that further complaint and insults are likely to result in any con-
structive developements.
Perhaps in a few days we can all sit back and look at the situation a little more objectively.
back to "normal". Not necessarily the normal weekend behaviour or the frequent
bashing, slamming, and troll toasting, but the talk about coins that often occurs around
here. It seems unlikely that further complaint and insults are likely to result in any con-
structive developements.
Perhaps in a few days we can all sit back and look at the situation a little more objectively.
Tempus fugit.
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
2 Cam-Slams!
1 Russ POTD!
What's wrong with this thread? I thought what Cladking said was pretty good.
2 Cam-Slams!
1 Russ POTD!
Will we see a post, other than the one HRH wrote, on the reasons this happened?
Millions on WELFARE depend on you!
<< <i>OMG, cladking, a subject you and I completely agree on! today is indeed a great day! >>
Now, if we can just get a few more people to agree perhaps we will get back to normal.