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Found on an auction site's chat board, and edited to protect the guilty:

Poster #1 I have a question about re-toning. I have a [key date coin] that is probably an ag-3, but has been very harshly cleaned. It is very bright. I am thinking of selling it. Would it do better if I applied some Deller's Darkener? Yes, I am quite certain that it is genuine.

Poster #2 no dont do that, If you have money to hold onto a bit and live in a safe place, put coin on an uperstory windowsill outside for a couple months, you can still tell cleaned before but will look like it was cleaned 50 yrs ago.

Poster #1 I like [that] idea.
Should it be just sitting there, unprotected?
I live in the North, should I give it Southern exposure for more sunlight?

Poster #2 yes unprotected and a southern window




  • We've had these exact same discussions here, several times over the past few months alone.

    "France said this week they need more evidence to convince them Saddam is a threat. Yeah, last time France asked for more evidence it came rollin thru Paris with a German Flag on it." -Dave Letterman

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