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How valuable are off center IH cents?

I'm looking at an off center IH cent that is an 1899 - how much off center is it, and what kind of value should it have?


  • PushkinPushkin Posts: 2,029 ✭✭✭

    Off center and other error IHCs command high premiums. Depending on the % off center, is the date visible, and the grade, low end about $130 and high end, $2000+.

    I'd guess (very rough) $500 - $800 for the coin you posted.
    Check out this website for comparative pricing.

    Fred Weinberger - Error Coins
  • coppercoinscoppercoins Posts: 6,084 ✭✭✭
    I don't know much about them, but I developed a web site for one of the most experienced error coin dealers in the hobby. You can take a look around his inventory and see what he's offering them for, or you can e-mail him that image and he'll shoot you a rough value.

    C. D. Daughtrey, NLG
    The Lincoln cent store:

    My numismatic art work:
    USAF veteran, 1986-1996 :: support our troops - the American way.
  • dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,691 ✭✭✭
    w/ respect to lincolns, very. but i couldn't give you numbers.

    K S
  • woah.

    I'd definitely get in touch with Fred Weinberg or Mike Byers...they're the big error coin dealers. They'll definitely have interest in that piece.
  • TheNumishTheNumish Posts: 1,628 ✭✭
    I had one that was 10% off-center graded AU-58 by PCGS that I sold for $250.

    That coin is so much more dramatic I would think it's worth much more. I agree with Pushkin $500-$800. Probably closer to the higher side.

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