Off center and other error IHCs command high premiums. Depending on the % off center, is the date visible, and the grade, low end about $130 and high end, $2000+.
I'd guess (very rough) $500 - $800 for the coin you posted. Check out this website for comparative pricing.
I don't know much about them, but I developed a web site for one of the most experienced error coin dealers in the hobby. You can take a look around his inventory and see what he's offering them for, or you can e-mail him that image and he'll shoot you a rough value.
Off center and other error IHCs command high premiums. Depending on the % off center, is the date visible, and the grade, low end about $130 and high end, $2000+.
I'd guess (very rough) $500 - $800 for the coin you posted.
Check out this website for comparative pricing.
Fred Weinberger - Error Coins
The Lincoln cent store:
My numismatic art work:
USAF veteran, 1986-1996 :: support our troops - the American way.
I'd definitely get in touch with Fred Weinberg or Mike Byers...they're the big error coin dealers. They'll definitely have interest in that piece.
That coin is so much more dramatic I would think it's worth much more. I agree with Pushkin $500-$800. Probably closer to the higher side.