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warning on a new paypal scam

ScarsdaleCoinScarsdaleCoin Posts: 5,259 ✭✭✭✭✭
thought this might save someone....its a new version of an old scam..... Jon@Scarsdale Coin

PayPal Users Hit With Another Scam
Thu Mar 6, 3:00 PM ET

Paul Roberts, IDG News Service

Another Internet scam that targets online shoppers who use the EBay PayPal payment service is circulating, according to reports from those who have received the suspicious e-mail and to messages posted to online discussion groups.

PayPal did not respond to requests for comment.

The e-mail appears to come from "info@paypal.com" and has a subject line that reads "Your PayPal account is Limited." The body of the message reads, in part: "PayPal is currently performing regular maintenance of our security measures. Your account has been randomly selected for this maintenance, and placed on Limited Access status."

Professional Appearance

Recipients are asked to provide their PayPal account information, credit card number, and bank account number using a form in the body of the e-mail message. A button is provided to "log in" to PayPal's site and update the information.

The message is designed to look like it was generated by PayPal, using graphics from the PayPal Web site as well as fonts and colors similar to legitimate PayPal correspondence. A boilerplate statement about receiving notifications is even supplied at the end of the message, with links to PayPal that allow the recipient to modify their notification preferences.

"It was formatted really nicely. It had the right colors for the PayPal site and there weren't any obvious grammar mistakes," said Karawynn Long, a writer and Web designer in Seattle who received one of the apparent scam e-mail messages. Long was almost fooled by the message into entering her account information.

"The subject of the e-mail was odd. But it was early in the morning. Pre-coffee," Long said.

Searching for the Source

Suspicious of being asked for her confidential account information, however, Long used her e-mail program to view the message's HTML source code. Her search revealed that information submitted using the form would go to a host server with a domain name ending in.ru, the domain suffix for Russia, according to Long.

"When I viewed the source I could see [the scam], but how many people view the source on their e-mail?" Long said.

Scams targeting PayPal are common, according to Matt Sergeant, senior antispam technologist at MessageLabs in Gloucester, England.

(Story continues after advertisement)

"They were one of the first Internet banks, and they have an awful lot of customers," Sergeant said.

That means that spammers who blanket the Internet with millions of scam e-mail messages are likely to catch quite a few PayPal customers in their net, according to Sergeant. Still, this most recent message's professional appearance and careful attention to detail are not the norm, Sergeant said.

"What you have there really is the top tier of intelligence as far as spammers go. Most spammers are pretty stupid and easy to spot," Sergeant said.

Users who receive such an e-mail should contact PayPal to report the scam.

PayPal customers who have been defrauded should report the theft to the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, Sergeant said.
Jon Lerner - Scarsdale Coin - www.CoinHelp.com


  • mnmcoinmnmcoin Posts: 2,165
    Thank you for the information.

    morris <><
    "Repent, for the kindom of heaven is at hand."
    ** I would take a shack on the Rock over a castle in the sand !! **
    Don't take life so seriously...nobody gets out alive.

    TEMECULA, CA 92590
    (951) 757-0334

  • Saw that on the news...

    I also almost got conned twice in the last 30 days on Ebay. Don't know if it's the bad global economy, but lots of cons on the lose all over the place regardless. In this case, a peacemaker is no use (the enemy is invisible)... just think twice (or better thrice) before you shell out important info and money.

    Kennedy Halves, Early Silver Commemorative, Modern proof gold eagles, proof sets, Modern Commemorative, Chinese coins, Australia Sovereign and Modern, British Sovereign, and Euros.
    My Ebay Stuff
  • DHeathDHeath Posts: 8,472 ✭✭✭
    Thanks Jon. Because I use one of my email addresses as my ebay account name, I get these all the time too.

    Dear Ebay Member,
    Recently we attempted to authorize payment from your credit card we have on file for you, but it was declined. For security purposes, our system automatically removes credit card information from an account when there is a problem or the card expires. Please resubmit the credit card, and provide us with new and complete information. To resubmit credit card information via our secure server, click the following link, login to your account and resubmit your information:

    This is the quickest and easiest method of getting credit card information to us.
    Using the secure server will ensure that the credit card will be placed on account within 24 hours.

    The link goes to a page with perfect graphics, but an unusual IP address. If sucessful, they'd gain your ebay identity and your card info.

    Developing theory is what we are meant to do as academic researchers
    and it sets us apart from practitioners and consultants. Gregor
  • GerryGerry Posts: 456
    Thank you for this alert. It is appreciated. image
  • anoldgoatanoldgoat Posts: 1,493 ✭✭✭
    Thanks for the heads up. Got mine this morning.
    Alright! Who removed the cork from my lunch?

    W.C. Fields

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