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My pictures are too orange

I'm trying to take photographs of my coins following the setups described in other threads, but my pictures are coming out too orange (example). I'm using some 40W GE Reveal bulbs, and I've tried arranging them in various different positions, but to no avail. Does anyone have any tips on getting a less orange color in their coin photos?


  • Actually, maybe brown is a better color to describe this -- in any case, my pictures aren't coming out the color they're supposed to...
  • supercoinsupercoin Posts: 2,323
    If your camera has a manual white balance, use it. By default your camera will use an automatic color balancing which is geared more towards typical photos (i.e. endless stultifyingly boring pictures of your 2 yr old opening birthday presents image).

    With my camera, you put a white piece of paper or something in the viewfinder (which looks -- suprise -- orange) and then press a button. The camera adjusts to make the white really look white. The colors then come out correctly.

    If you don't have a manual white balance, then you probably will have to adjust the colors after the fact in Photoshop or something. Maybe if you photographed a pure white scrap of something along with your coins you could use that as a guide in Photoshop when doing your own white balancing after the fact.
  • With alot of coins, photographing against black works well. (mostly for white proofs) It forces the camera to focus on the devices.

    The white-balance is a good call.

    Another thing I've had good luck with is throwing a soft-white incandescent into the mix. I don't know why, but often especially with colored coins, that seems to help. image
  • supercoinsupercoin Posts: 2,323
    I've heard of others using various colored backgrounds (like green) as well, basically to fool the auto-white balancing. But I would think that would end up being more work than just adjusting it in photoshop. Especially since you need different color backgrounds for different color coins.
  • Orange you glad that you at least have pictures?

    </bad joke>
  • MonstavetMonstavet Posts: 1,235 ✭✭
    Tell you what...you send me those nasty orange/brown coins, and I will send you some nice white ones in return...PM for address.
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