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How did you get started in the hobby?



  • coinmickeycoinmickey Posts: 767 ✭✭
    Roundabout way last year- was in a restaurant, pulled out a $20 to pay and the woman refused to take it, saying it did not look like a real $20. She did not realize it was a 1935A (I think) $20. So I did some research on the Internet about and in the course of doing so ran across all of these coin related sites. I hardly collect paper money but that episode led me to coins...

    And the rest as they say is history...much as my bank account has been ever since...image
    Rufus T. Firefly: How would you like a job in the mint?

    Chicolini: Mint? No, no, I no like a mint. Uh - what other flavor you got?


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